User:Inge Hoonte/Structure of the visual book
Keith Smith, The Structure of the visual book, Keith Smith books, Rochester, New York, second printing of the expanded fourth edition, 2005
Dos-a-dos binding: book cover, two books, turn over.
p67: work in return, made as a thank you, containing imagery of the book he gave to a friend, suggestion/reference to other page in his book own book.
p66: some books emit sound -> incl. tape player, CD player, or use sound emitting materials.
p71: turning a heavy cover of a book onto the lectern it's displayed on, activates a sound track
book as object, architectural space.
look at collections Museum Meermanno DH, Samson publ Alphen a/d Rijn, Women's Studio WOrkshop Upstate NY, Visual Studies Workshop Rochester
p94: the experience of turning a page. the page, hovering, relates to what comes before or after.
p97: turning transparencies. Moment itself only exists in mid-air. Inspired by Reich's music. Musical structure as motif for reading experience.
p107: Conversation as (music) notation.
p119: a codex can never be seen, experienced as one. only page by page, and it reverberating in the mind.