.my notebook is the place where everything is // i like to annotate in there what get stuck into my brain for one reason or another (//not all the thoughts are my exclusive property)
.special issue 16 // 09.09.21_17.12.21
.from my notebook 21.09.21
vernacular of language=spoken as one's mother tongue
put your hands on things that before were invisible
WRITING: bring a text to life
vernacular becomes the standard and the opposite
everyday ephemeral aspects encapsulated in time
oral forms --> how to process something that has never been written?
Talking to Miriam about the housing situation talking with everyone about the housing situation not talking about anything else than the housing situation why do we even need a house?
.from my notebook 22.09.21
answers from people - language patterns - emotions that come from it - collecting stuff from other people - the language people use to communicate bad news - using programming to edit the texts - mix the different patterns - if you mix them, do they still have the same meaning?
.not from my notebook 28.09.21
.from my notebook
Do you ever have the feeling that sometimes another language, a different one than your mother tongue, can explain better a meaning than all the words you could use in yours? to me, this word is overwhelming
.from my notebook
STANDARDISED TOOLS ARE THE NORM = NTLK is a collection of tools for data analysis --> process textual information throughout natural language processing
what would vernacular processing look like? computational processing + structure of textual materials = how do we generate text in a vernacular way?
.from my notebook
can a language change a community?
are there vernacular languages that are more positive/negative than others?
why does the world look different in other languages? why our personality changes if we switch the language? -->processing different languages to see what happens?
.from my notebook
processing text to find an easy way to change a patriarchal, racist language to an all-inclusive one.
editing all texts to make neutral pronouns and adjectives
take different texts/discourses held in front of a mixed public and automatically re-edit everything to switch the text to all-inclusive
displacement of the meaning of texts -- reprocessing the standards to change them
toolkit about <<how to give bad news>> typical expression in different languages to give bad news -- breaking up, firing, rejection of any kind -- recurrent patterns
.from my notebook 06.10.21
giving a book
letting people annotating them, mix them up
path: people choosing a word and follow the path --> <<path of choice>>
we could mix up real texts and popular/easy ones, like they were the same thing, switching titles, texts, meanings, covers. Everything like everything as the same value, not only what has been recognized by society/critics
what is real? what is not?
what if we present the texts without titles/authors? would people react differently without knowing the reputation of the text?
no start, no end. the reader can walk along the <<text>>. keywords--> give out own definitions --> in the definition, you fid a new keyboard -- the reader can start from every point -- every one of us: how do we differently perceive the definition? -- it can be every kind of media -- having a map in form of a book to orientate yourself into the definition sea
i didn't get
yeah // my brain is not
fr fl ying
what is the house of a dinosaur?
track the publication as bookcrossing // make sure they know what we are doing
transfer knowledge
.from my notebook 10.10.21
collection of multilingual rejection patterns dataset
research on the meaning of rejection
(positive) rejection generator
the art of rejection
the sound of rejection
review texts from different points of view
.poetry .emoji texts .petitions
what is vernacular?
what is rejection?
--> rejection [glossary]
.from my notebook 12.10.21
trascriptions. traspose spoken words into text//written words
.from my notebook 26.10.21
how do we ask for what we want? what are my needs?
.from my notebook 01.11.21
exercise: list of rejection emails // put them together // find patterns
.from my notebook 02.11.21
oral languages over written ones
vernacular as exotic
"sometimes you need someone else to give value to what you have around you, to the commonplace"
"vernacular is natural to us, is what human beings speak in the first place"
writing from the eye?
.from my notebook 04.11.21
combining soft stuff (textile) with hard stuff
vernacular language -- get real-life experiences on rejection -- how to use language from the rejecter's point of view -- analysis of the language --
!! documentary Clara showed us: making jokes on people that rejected you // empowered over you
do a research on words etymology + vernacular + rejection emails
what does it mean "vernacular method", "rejection as a method"?
questions: how do we connect them together? how can we connect this with the vernacular? what are we gonna do with this? where are we going with this?
use the rejected raw material to create + + +
how many negative / positive words there are in a text?
rejection in architecture --> vernacular architecture
small run following the idea of Bookcrossing . . . moving from one media to the other // nomadic publication
.from my notebook 15.11.21
how can we filter without losing the meaning intended for the words?
.from my notebook 17.11.21
whatever you do, it's yours
.from my notebook 18.11.21
front-end -->> everchanging homepage // think about games to do to access the website // ask a question to users // if they choose an option they receive different results // webpage use my functions click here random choice (when reloading the page)
.from my notebook 22.11.21
identify connections between users
most_common words // position
recreate the space through the words
use the position and recreate the map by the frequency of the occurrence of the words
what is the most said word in this position?
//from here on the journey of the special issue 16 continues on [poem translations]
.not from my notebook 12.12.21
it's almost the end and while reading my notebook
i see
how many things were already in my head but i didn't grasp them
i didn't even know they were something
now some of those things are in our special issue
or lost in my notebook
it's also fun to see
how the meaningful notes reduced while going on
thoughts transformed into something real
instead of just words
what do we care more about?