Fage Not Pound

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Revision as of 09:31, 23 March 2022 by Chae0 (talk | contribs)


Fage not Pound (FNP) was a temporary bar where visitors were invited to actively reflect upon the blurred boundary between leisure and productivity. Fage Not Pound was itself hosted by Page not Found (PNF)[1], an art book shop in Den Haag (The Netherlands). Fage not Pound opened on the 25th of March 2022 from 18:00 to 21:00 (UTC +1) but its existence lasted much longer in AccAcc (FNP's local time unit). Fage not Pound was imagined to host the official launch of This Box Found You For A Reason (Special Issue #17) a publication by XPUB1.


An Open letter to Ourselves

Prior to Special Issue 17, XPUB1 already had worked on Special Issue 16 (Special Issue 16 - Learning How to Walk While Catwalking) at the Piet Zwart Institute, Willem de Kooning Academy, located in Rotterdam (The Netherlands). On the 2nd March 2022, a few days after the group meeting for SI 17, XPUB1 wrote a letter[2] to themselves as a reminder of their common goal: working together as a group. In searching for a healthy and productive way of working collectively, they formed four task teams (Team #1, Team #2, Team #3, The Editors, The Teasurer).


  • Team #1 was in charge of what is to be found inside the box. Conceptually as much as production-wise.
  • Team #2 was in charge of creating the box itself, conceptually as well as physically. They challenged the physicality of the box within the context of gamification, exploiting its depth, 2D and 3D potential.
  • Team #3 was in charge of the overall Public Relationship and Experience of Special Issue 17
  • The Editors were in charge of going over all the written material in Special Issue 17 (proofreading). They were responsible for writing needed texts for any aspect of the publication (advertisement, content, else) or going over any written material produced by other team members in order to keep a coherent language throughout the publication.
  • The Treasurer
  • Team 1-3 had one representative


This Box Found You For A Reason

On the 25th of March 2022, FNP hosted the launch of the publication titled, "This Box Found You For A Reason". Under the theme of productive play, the publication was intended to allow readers to reflect upon how social media, dating apps, and fitness apps were designed to increase motivation and productivity, resulting in blurring the line between leisure and labour. The launching event attracted around 300 visitors (estimated visitor/the number of the button clicked)

The promotional flyer

Timeline of the event

Time Notes
Opening 18:00 (UTC+1)
--:-- (AccAcc)
The talk by Platform BK (Sepp Eckenhaussen & Koen Bartijn) 19:00 - 20:00 (UTC+1)
--:-- (AccAcc)
maybe a link of the talk & recordings
Big Reveal 20:00 (UTC+1)
--:-- (AccAcc)
Closing 21:00 (UTC+1)
--:-- (AccAcc)

The Talk by Platform BK and XPUB1

[Maybe the LB price can go underneath this section..?]

Navigation of the space

Fage not Pound is organised as a loop with separate, yet neighbouring, entrance and exit doors. To navigate the space, visitors are offered to follow a flowchart (on floor signage). [add pictures of signage]
After passing the entrance door, the first question occurs: "Do you have time?". When visitors answer 'YES', they are redirected to the main room and become players. In the case they say no, they are invited to follow the "short track" and are redirected to a private booth.

         "Do you have time?"
              /    \
            YES     NO
            /        \
           /  (redirected to 'short track')  
  "Do you want to pause?"
        /          \
      YES           NO
      /              \
(redirected     (redirected to main room)
to bathroom)
                          "Do you want to exit?"
                                /      \
                              YES       NO 
                              /          \
               (redirected to exit)  (redirected to main room)
Short track

As a visitor with limited time, it is possible to have a glimpse of "This Box Found You For A Reason" in a private booth located right after the entrance of Fage not Pound. The space is available for individual experience at any time before the scheduled launch of the publication, after consultation, it is possible to purchase the item.
If time suddenly allows the visitor, it is always possible to join the long track after having experienced the short track.
Any publication sold before the official launch time will be sealed in an opaque bag.

[Add one picture later]

Long track

A visitor followed the long track reached the main room to become a player. When entering the room, the player pressed the button and got an empty name tag. The button is to affect the FNP timezone, AccAcc, by multiplying the speed value of one second. The name tag was for the player to write down one's chosen avatar name which lasted for the entire event. The player could freely walk around the room, browse displayed books related to the topic "Productive Play", read descriptions on the wall, hang out with other players, solve the crossword puzzles to get a drink, and participate in the talk by the Platform BK (Sepp Eckenhaussen and Koen Bartijn). After the talk, the big reveal followed. After the reveal, the inboxing of the first purchase of the publication streamed online.

The following is just an example
"After the talk, the AccAcc reach to the moment of the Big Reveal. Everyone was super excited for the moment to come. It reminded me of the New Year. Players and bar tenders started to count down. And Voila, there it was! The box...!"

—(Avartar Name) recalling the Big Reveal of This Box Found You For A Reason


If we sell all the LB on the 25th then write about that. If not, write where people can order/get it.

"This Box Found You For A Reason"

1. Short history (context)

2. The content (letter or intro?)
3. The teams (work division/methods)/ Colophon

4. The box itself (Link to team 2' wiki page?)

upload image after the reveal

5. The price explained

/ (LATER / an image of the price sticker as well)
Cost of production in detail
Cost of labour in detail
% to PNF
% to XPUB
Benefit? Yes/no why?
Cost of the LB in euros


[Add pictures later]

See Also


Page Not Found and XPUB, Supisara Burapachaisri, Mitsa Chaida, Kimberley Cosmilla, Erica Gargaglione, Carmen Gray, Jian Haake, Chaeyoung Kim, Francesco Luzzana, Ål Nik (Alexandra Nikolova), Lídia Pereira (ed.), Emma Prato, Gersande Schellinx and Miriam Schöb.


  1. [1]This Box Found You For A Reason — XPUB Special Issue #17 launch.
  2. [2], an open letter to ourselves.