
From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki
"Developping some kind of chat bot is a good exercise"

Digital Immortality

(my contribution to the e-death industry)

Marius Ursache - :

Luka, Inc -

Be right back


The 2013 "Black Mirror" episode "Be Right Back" centers on someone who's partner is killed in a car accident.
In mourning, she signs up for a service that allows her to communicate with an AI version of them based on their past online communications and social media profiles -- ultimately, turning it into an android version of her deceased partner. But he's never exactly the same.


Even though we leave an insane amount of data, we still haven’t reached the point where we have recreated the ultimate alloy of a human soul. We see that GAFA&M have all started to intergrate chatbots to their plateforms. Of course it’s a source of monetization that deserves for the best engineers to be looking into it.

They’re even starting to infiltrate our discussion spaces already, but it does take that extra step further if suddently the bot suggest to be playing with the limits of life and death.


This basic purpose would be to understand what a human is so that we can improve the algorithms to be more human-like.

Developmental psychologists often talk about the importance of leaving a legacy. Yet we merely can build the shadow of a person.
Once you’ve uploaded all of your lost one’s (or your own) digital footprint into a digital version, it will potentially copy the way they/you used to speak but will be solely based on the things that have been said in the past. We haven’t managed yet to create an entity that embodies every conceivable aspect of human complexity. The real challenge is to be able to interpret emotions coherently so that your AI version of yourself can contextualize such a gigantic mass of data.

Imagine being able to chat with any of your lost ones, reconstructed not only from their digital footprint but also with their mood at the exact moment they sent the message, the knowledge of the most intimate motivations that pushed them to listen to this song at this particular moment. Then your AI could interpret and recreate your patterns, your behavior and attitudes in the physical world.


a clearer insight on their relationship to the physical world

If we can find some of the important features of a human, and classify them in a way that would be machine readable, we would be able to provide people with a soul to all these shadows. It might be a key to access our deepest, most private, intimate emotions, and enable us to recreate the people we really are. We look into astrology to keep you immortal in the cosmic realm.

Reading the past instead of predicting the future

Because looking into the past is how we become immortal.

Astrology has long been used as a form of divination, going by the belief that life on earth is guided by celestial alignments. While it's difficult to really ‘define’ astrology, because there are many different systems, one thing remains unchanged throughout each one of them : it is all about interpreting the influence of celestial bodies on our lives to understand ourselves better, to understand our nature, thanx to the alignment of celestial bodies at moment X (your moment of birth, a past event, future events…).

The fact that it was never so good at predicting the futur became a great pretext for putting the whole subject under the table, and wasting the potential of the discussion around astrology as it needs to be intended today : an ancient symboloic language that can provide a deeper understanding of ourselves and of events, a healing art.

With *Be right back* we want to investigate what’s really the most human and real in such a popular mystical practice as astrology. We want to keep the parts of it that look into your deeper inner self.

By adding this module to your package you would then be able to perfect the moods of your avatar, understand the reasons things are said, or the way ideas are interpreted.

Social fact 

"Life sometimes can feel linear, limited, constricted, meaningless.
We’re always asking ourselves major questions like who am I ? and what am I doing here ? What are my gifts ? Humanity is suffering from a great disconect, we are distracted and we’re distant from ourselves and from each other. Astrology can help us with that"
- a TED talk on astrology

Astrology is not a science, but a social fact. Despite being based on astrophysical and mathematical knowledge, it can be better understood as a language game and possibly as the most universal personality theory ever conceived by human beings.

For the time being, it also seems that virtual immortality’s appeal is more philosophical than practical. So astrology, though the use of this term was earlier related to astronomy, should be seen today not only as a set of data from the movements of the planets, but more solely as the attempt to use mathematical systems to interpret sets of data that we do not yet understand. In itself, it’s an intersectional practice between the scientific observation of cosmic movements (astronomy) and the esoteric realm of symbolising, searching for keys to understand realms to which we do not have access, like the emotional realm.

a library of human memories

What if this language game could be interpreted in a way that it would help perfect the personality of a chatbot.

Wiki data base

