Computer assisted licensing
Creation of a chatbot that would help anyone to create his own license by suggesting a wide range of options, recording the answers and generating a license template that would still remain editable.
Creation of a chatbot - Draft 01
This is a work in progress
Comments under some lines refers to the various problems encoutered during the creation process that I still need to solve.
answer = input("Do you want to create a license for this specific content? ")
if answer.lower().strip() == "yes":
answer = input("Ok, and do you need computer assistance in order to create this license? ")
if answer.lower().strip() == "yes":
answer == input("Alright, now please allow us to ask you the name you want to give to your license ")
if answer.lower() == "ok":
#NotWorkingfor some unknown reasons
print ("hahahah ")
print("That's quiet a name! (robot laughing) ")
answer = input("1st question: for which instances could the work be used? choise: lucrative/non-profit/both/none/other ")
if answer == "lucrative":
print ("it is dully noted")
answer = input("2nd question: Would you allow this content to be republished? (yes/under certain conditions/no/other)")
if answer == "yes":
answer = input("Do you want to specify those conditions?")
elif answer == "non-profit":
print ("I see!")
answer = input("2nd question: Would you allow this content to be republished? (yes/under certain conditions/no/other)")
if answer == "under certain conditions":
answer = input("Can you please specify those conditions? Thank you")
elif answer == "both":
print ("OK, I get it!")
answer = input("2nd question: Would you allow this content to be republished? (yes/under certain conditions/no/other)")
if answer == "under certain conditions":
answer = input("Alright, could you please specify those conditions?")
elif answer == "none":
answer = input("Allright, what should it be then?")
answer = input("2nd question: Would you allow this content to be republished? (yes/under certain conditions/no/other)")
elif answer == "none":
answer = input("Please specify instance(s)")
answer = input("2nd question: Would you allow this content to be republished? (yes/under certain conditions/no/other)")
print("no sure to understand, but it's noted")
answer = input("Please try to type again your answer)")
elif answer =="no":
print("Then feel free to do whatever you want with a blank sheet ")
print("We were unable to understand ")
if answer.lower().strip() == "no":
print("Ok! Good luck then!" )
#print("We were unable to understand, please try to type again your answer ")
#answer = input("Do you want to create a license for this specific content? (yes/no) ")
#Working but sometimes appearing when I don't want to
if answer.lower().strip() == "yes":
answer == input("Alright, please enter a name for you license ")
if answer == "superpotenzainternationale":
answer = input("hahahah")
print("That's quiet a name! (robot laughing) ")