<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> THE LOVESTORY <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
I'm thinking on how to adapt or confront.
My field is not the Terminal, it is Command prompt.
All instructions are for mac OS.
Windows has not provided me with a nice view.
In half-sleep watched this [19-9-2019]
Dennis suggests [20-9-2019]:
- installing
- Depending on the Windows version you could either try [[1]] > (> win 10).
-You could use the PZI raspberry pi prolly -or use a linux 'live image' on bootable USB stick to boot into linux without hurting windows.
So, my decision [22-9-2019] seems to be to install Linux on a USB and run it.
So, what happens [23-9-2019] is that the Linux live (the non - stable one or how do you call this anyways?) makes the screen shiver, tilting it in randomized horizontal-vertical positions, surprisin, provoking a call of momentarity, a glimpse of a shock. It is said that this version of it does not remember, every installation would have to be made anew each time when running it. How is it like to not possess any memory? //So, can I empathize with a machine yet?//
Prototyping #2 [30-9-2019]-> installed cygwin ($ apt-cyg install figlet) seems to work.