User:Pedro Sá Couto/Special Issue 9

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Online Class Project proposal

Femke in the small project space on-line
Project proposals 01
Identification traces that are left in digital books within Shadow libraries
Interested in researching the security levels for digital files (watermarkings, user traces, DRMs,...): where, how, on what level are they implemented. Looking at different shadowlibraries. How much care for visibility, anonymity, exposure? Forensic/anthropological interest. Document different strategies used by publishers in digital formats like epubs, pdf, etc
But also: wants to share his library, because uni-library in Portugal does not buy any new design books anymore. There is not a lot of interest from the institution nor from the students.
Annotation vs metadata question: does this watermarking become some kind of annotation and vice versa?

  • Using this collection for the project?
  • How to share/make public this research?
  • How to interface with the users of the project on how to share books while raising awareness to these different security layers, identifying them, creating strategies to remove them, explore how to digitise and OCR….
  • How are watermarks able to enphasise autorship and how to question this.

Thursday 16 May

What are how interests Add both films Alain Resnais: Tout la memoire du monde (1956) Reading on standards and categories from: Sorting Things Out, Geoffrey Bowker and Susan Leigh Starr (1999) Annotating one hour of The Internet's Own Boy (2014) + GET SUBTITLE PAD

Workshop with Eva Weynmayr

Workshop with Eva Weynmayr: Borrowing, Poaching, Plagiarising, Pirating, Stealing, Gleaning, Referencing, Leaking, Copying, Imitating, Adapting, Faking, Paraphrasing, Quoting, Reproducing, Using, Counterfeiting, Repeating, Translating, Cloning Add reading here Add reflections of my book and Tancre

The Piracy Project — A Day at the courtroom — Transcriptions



  • Borrowing
  • Poaching
  • Plagiarising
  • Pirating
  • Stealing
  • Gleaning
  • Referencing
  • Leaking
  • Copying
  • Imitating
  • Adapting
  • Faking
  • Paraphrasing
  • Quoting
  • Reproducing
  • Using
  • Counterfeiting
  • Repeating
  • Translating
  • Cloning
  • Silencing
  • Editing
  • Omitting
  • Reducing
  • Appending
  • Redirecting
  • Recontextualising
  • Focusing
  • (Faithfully) Reproducing
  • Caring
  • Reformatting
  • Bootlegging
  • Reframing
  • Retracing

Tancredi & Pedro

The Crab with the golden claws — The adventures the tintin


  • pirating
  • adapt to fit a new format
  • translated
  • the story is refreamed and reduced
  • the draw is retraced (Biyi points out that it could have been because in China it would have been cheaper to pay someone to do it rather than to pay the copyright) and expandend (to fit the format)
  • the drawings are rotated (To fill a full page as in the original)
  • rescaling, localising (small format tradition)
  • The capture of the red claw crab drug dealing company (May have to deal with strong color symbolism related to China / anti drug )
  • The intention was to change the format of the book. — Translated — Chinese Cover — English Edition

Deleuze - Proust and signs

  • fetishist reproduction
  • home reproduction feeling
  • page trasparency

  • His strategy is to make an homemade reproduction of the book which could look like as much as possible as the original one but when looked with attention you notice differences (not professional binding method, different paper, rough cut, homemade hardcover )).
  • In this way the pirated copy can be introduced inside libraries or bookshops without arouse suspicion. This act can be understood on one hand as a critique of the standardadization of books (format, style..) and on the other hand as a critique of book's market and publishers where official texts are produced negating the homemade in the topclass market and its power, capable to produce a quasi-perfetct copy.
  • Furthermore, the original copy contains upside down pages, so probably it is a discarded copy of the industrial process. The entire mass production of books became a mechanism of selection and exclusion where the error must be deleted and his circulation becomes a taboo. This taboo here is glorified (in the reproduction of the taboo itself) and putted again in circulation as a normal edition representing the exclusion which still survive hidden in the multitude of books. The interest to reproduce exactly the same book reveal a maniacal interest in the original, emphatized by the uniqueness of this particular copy. Reproduce and reintroduce in a shop this kind of product represent both a fetishism of the book and its singularity, as well as the critique of the standardization and industrialization in the market. The content of the book seems to be overcomed to talk about the physical book and its use in the market. It would have been interesting to have 'totem and taboo' as book to reflect the act and the book's content but anyway it can be done a link with Deleuze's text 'difference and repetition' where the repetition represent the industrial process or the totemization of the standard book, and the difference the taboo of the error and the handmade.

@ Rietveld Academy library

with Eva, Martino + Anita @ Rietveld Academy library LOOK AT THE PAD, ADD LINK HERE

Workshop with Bodo Balasz

Reading: Bodó, Balázs (2019): The science of piracy, the piracy of science.
Who are the science pirates and where do they come from Part I + Part II


General observations:

  • 1 book in portuguese (a translation), all others in english
  • almost all universities make available the mandatory books for the year through photocopy/copy store, this can have an impact in downloads


The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research

444166, 34, Norman K. Denzin, Yvonna S. Lincoln, The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research, Sage Publications, Inc, 2005, English

ISBN: 9781483349800

oficial publisher — Sage Publications, £120.00
pirate — LibGen, available
3 portuguese bookstores:
Fnac — 129,89 €, not available in store
Bertrand — 148,82€, not available in store
Wook — 148,82€, not available in store

international: — $132.14, in stock with more buying choices, ebooks, etc.
Found in public libraries (Porto and Lisboa)? no
Syllabus of:
Degree (BSc) in Psychology, ISCTE-IUL (note: this is a well-rated university in Lisbon, capital city)


881883, 32, Henry Gleitman, Alan J. Fridlund, Daniel Reisberg, Psicologia, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2003, Portuguese

ISBN: 9789723113709

oficial publisher — Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 40.00€, not available (the foundation has a partnership with Ebooks from Marka, the book was not available there either)
pirate — LibGen, available

3 portuguese bookstores:
Fnac — 32€, available
Bertrand — 40,02€, not available
Wook — 40,02€, not available

international: — only option: buy new, $203.00, available
Found in public libraries (Porto and Lisboa)? yes
Syllabus of:
Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Psicologia course ( (note: this is a well-rated university in Lisbon, capital city) Universidade Lusófona, Ciências Sociais course (


Introduction to the Human Body

777469 28 Gerard J. Tortora, Bryan H. Derrickson Introduction to the Human Body Wiley 2009 English

in Lib gen : pdf
Wook: 63,24€ Online store, available

Bertrand: 63,24€ Online store, available, Not available physical in store

FNAC: 66,29 € Needs to be ordered online, takes 1 to 2 weeks

Amazon: Hardcover Rent, $24.99, Due Date: Aug 13, 2019 Rental Details, FREE return shipping at the end of the semester., Access codes and supplements are not guaranteed with rentals.
Buy new, $66.66, In Stock.
E book not available


Atlas of Human Anatomy 4e (Netter Basic Science)

819203 26 Frank H. Netter MD Atlas of Human Anatomy 4e (Netter Basic Science) Saunders 2006 English

in Lib gen: pdf

Wook: Not available

Bertrand: 80,73€ — Online store, available, Not available physical in store

FNAC: 63,90 € Online and in stock
Amazon: Buy new, $71.97, 1 In Stock.
Buy used, $15.69, Condition: Good

Syllabus of Anatomia e Histologia , Universidade de Coimbra

Syllabus of DEPT. DE FÍSICA

Teaching Human Anatomy to the Graduation Course in Health Sciences of the Lisbon University: Five Years of a New Educational Experience

Syllabus of Universidade de Aveiro, Escola Superior de Saude


The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt
746957, 25, Ian Shaw (editor), The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt, Oxford University Press, USA, 2000, English
isbn :9780192804587

oficial publisher —
pirate — LibGen, available

3 portuguese bookstores:
Fnac —15,20 €, not available in store
Bertrand —16,11€, not available in store
Wook —16,11€, not available in store

international: —$15.50, with other buying options
Syllabus of:
Universidade de Lisboa (


Cosa: the Italian sigillata
814731 22 Maria Teresa Marabini Moevs Cosa: the Italian sigillata University of Michigan Press 2006 English

in Lib gen: pdf

Wook: 0 results

Bertrand: 0 results

FNAC: 85,18€, Online 1 stock

Amazon: 88.63$, 2 In Stock.

Thursday 18 April

Class in Park + add images here

Introduction to Shadow Libraries

Pedro & Rita


Content : What is in the library? How much?
  • In 2014 it had 25 million documents (42 terabytes)
    1. Users: Who is using / uploading / downloading?
Catalog: What is the system? How is it organised? How about its ontology?
  • You can search by topics, or by genre (fiction, comics, etc.)
  • an index list is provided in each category
  • no curation, everythings seems valid. From their FAQ: "we are random book collectors: if we see a book somewhere and it's not in LG yet, we take it.", "We do not fetch specific books, we rather gather collections from public zones on the Web."
  • uploading is advertised as being very easy, a lot of duplicated material
Infrastructure: What are technical specs? Software? Hardware?
  • russian servers?
Politics: What is the attitude?
  • they seem to distance themselves from the idea of bringing academic research for people without acess/ Sci-Hub

"If you are from India, Pakistan or Iran, you may have difficulties with finances and be tempted to place such requests, then this answer is for you. There may exist some sites on the net that can help you find certain books upon request, but we simply cannot do this. If you need the book urgently and it's missing in LG, please, do not rely on us and try to get it from some other place."

Economy: Sponsors? Donation? Advertising?
Law: How does it interface?

.ONION LIBRARIES (http://mx7rwxcountermqh.onion/ )

(http://libraryqtlpitkix.onion/ )

Content : What is in the library? How much?
  1. Much less content, curatorial side, small list of books, focused on one/two categories. libraryqtlpitkix is focused on sciences.
#Users: Who is using / uploading / downloading?
  1. You have to acess them through a different kind of browser, we used Tor.

It's hard to find them by chance, there must be an effort to see these libraries. very specific are these book hard to find in libgen? rare findings?

Catalog: What is the system? How is it organised? How about its ontology?
  1. Different kinds of organization, either in a one page with scroll list that fits

In a warezy way, with directories, all stored and organized together

Infrastructure: What are technical specs? Software? Hardware?

Interfacing the law

Pirate libraries, shadow libraries, piratical text collections, amateur digital libraries, peer produced libraries and how to read them together.

Email 01 — Letter 3

Dear all,

By way of kicking off the next Special Issue, please find a letter attached. The issue starts on Monday with a session hosted by Aymeric.
You can find the calendar and some additional resources here:

All the best and see you next week! Femke
