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Mapping network topologies

Paul Baran diagrams

We started with a reading of a text on centralised, decentralised, and distributed networks that included a diagram made by Paul Baran for the RAND corporation. This diagram displays classic ways to visualise these networks.

On Distributed Networks, 1964, Paul Baran, diagram for RAND research memoranda 3420

Dependency mapping task

As part of the Infrastuctour, when we set up our homeservers, I worked with another XPUB student to create a visualisation of the dependencies involved setting them up.

19 01 20 dependencies.jpg

Physical map in XPUB studio

I made a map of the location of homeservers and routers, including the other (non-XPUB) network users as well as situations where it was not possible for XPUB students to connect their server to their home router, and so had to depend on others. I connected a piece of string I'd tied knots in to represent my external IP address for my home server, as a way to visualise the idea of connecting and also the route that a client follows when connecting to my website, which is in reverse from the way I would display my IP.

Map 7914.JPG Map 7915.JPG Map 7916.JPG Map 7918.JPG

Collection of texts

I've begun collecting relevant texts to my research and creating html pages to store them on my website. This has been a useful way to develop my web design knowledge and skills as well as provide theoretical basis for the research I'm undertaking into network topologies.

Tung-Hui Hu: Truckstops on the Information Superhighway

Paul Rand: Cybernetic Guerilla Warfare (Radical Software 1.3)

R. Buckminster Fuller: Software (Radical Software 1.1)

These texts introduced me to alternative models for mapping topologies such as "klein worms", referred to in both Hui (2015) and Rand's (1970) texts. Klien worms are based on the klein bottle, which falls into the category of "topologically impossible" objects (such as moebius strips etc.).

Fig. 2. Klein Worms, 1971, Claude Ponsot, illustration for Paul Ryan, “Cybernetic Guerilla Warfare,” in Radical Software 1:3

Concept of paranode as suggested in Constant's Feminist Server Manifesto, and further explored by Zach Blas > I see paranode as a disruptive device, also not to do with physical devices (established as nodes, but instead on social and conceptual relations between people and the world)

Questions around mapping and autonomy vis a vis the map/territory problem & Hakim Bey's Temporary Autonomous Zones

Exploration of topology: Knot theory, Inca Quipu, Jacqueline de Jong's Situationist Times (particularly Issue 3: Topology), psychogeographic mapping of urban spaces as explored by SI derive

Seven Bridges of Königsberg (now Kaliningrad, Russia) as prefigure to topology and laying foundations for graphology (a graphic mapping of topologies)

Drawings of network devices - trying to visualise the invisible


Small sculptural models of theoretical network topologies - knots

[File:Knot model 01.JPG]

Loops laid into interface - modular Inspired by presentation of Plumbutter2 modular synthesiser