Pushing the Score-publication
Handy links
git repositories
GPIO https://git.pzimediadesign.nl/repos/pushingscore_gpio.git/
git clone https://git.pzimediadesign.nl/repos/pushingscore_gpio.git/
wiki pages
- Only give minimal information here, essentially a descriptive oneliner and tech details so we know who needs to learn/make/research what
- Use git if necessary to keep track of your own small project files (ie, source code)
- Use Syncthing to share large files/binaries/docs/whatnot
- Use and link to your personal wiki pages (log) for documenting the research and prototyping process
- subject: algorithmic composition as installation or interactive
- needs: audio, web (p5js)
- log:
- subject: ?
- needs: ?
- log:
- subject: Feedback installation
- needs: audio, cam
- log:
- subject: surveillance/CCTV
- needs: web (documentation) + maybe cam, maybe mic, maybe audio
- log:
- subject: dance notation
- needs: audio, maybe visuals, maybe mic
- log:
- subject: Randomness, Noise
- needs: audio
- log:
- subject: Twitter data sonification
- needs: audio
- log:
- subject: algorithmic instrument
- needs: physical interface, audio
- log:
- subject: documentation of drone attack(s) through records/stats/protocols
- needs: audio + maybe multichannel (using several "boxes")
- log:
Bill of Material
Here is the rough BOM for one copy of TGC3
- RPI3 - confirmed - ordered
- RPI3 basic PSU - confirmed - ordered
- sdcard 8GB - confirmed - ordered
- USB Floppy drive - research ongoing
- USB Floppy disks - research ongoing
- Picam or USB webcam - research ongoing
- Speaker(s) - research ongoing
- external control - research ongoing
- what else?!
RPi3 setup
Base System
Follow the guide The Ultimate RPi Installation Guide!
You need at least to have a base system and hotspot working for now, more specific details soon.
Pi skin conductivity
Follow the guide Pi skin conductivity