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While more sophisticated (and faster) libraries for working with HTML/XML exist (namely lxml), python's standard ElementTree implementation is quite capable (and using lxml requires a separate C module to be compiled on your platform which can sometimes complicate installation / distribution of your script).

ElementTree supports a small subset of the (more extensive) xpath query language:

Syntax Meaning
tag Selects all child elements with the given tag.

For example, spam selects all child elements named spam, and spam/egg selects all grandchildren named egg in all children named spam.

* Selects all child elements. For example, */egg

selects all grandchildren named egg.

. Selects the current node. This is mostly useful

at the beginning of the path, to indicate that it’s a relative path.

// Selects all subelements, on all levels beneath the

current element. For example, .//egg selects all egg elements in the entire tree.

.. Selects the parent element.
[@attrib] Selects all elements that have the given attribute.
[@attrib='value'] Selects all elements for which the given attribute

has the given value. The value cannot contain quotes.

[tag] Selects all elements that have a child named

tag. Only immediate children are supported.

[position] Selects all elements that are located at the given

position. The position can be either an integer (1 is the first position), the expression last() (for the last position), or a position relative to the last position (e.g. last()-1).

Source: http://docs.python.org/2/library/xml.etree.elementtree.html#supported-xpath-syntax