
From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

An attempt to write a spider which 1) prints all URL's for a desired web-page. 2) excludes/includes certain urls in a filter-script and 3) Picks one of the filterd urls and 4) eventually sends it back to 1) in a continous loop

1) Spider

 import sys, httplib2, os, time, urllib, lxml.html, re
 from urlparse import urlparse, urljoin, urldefrag
 def visit (url, depth=1):
     global visited
     #print url
     print url
     # remember we visited
     visited[url] = True
     if depth >= MAX_DEPTH: return
     connection = urllib.urlopen(url)
     dom =  lxml.html.fromstring(connection.read())
     for xpath in ['//a/@href', '//img/@src']:
         # select the url in href for all a tags(links)
         for link in dom.xpath(xpath): 
             #print link
             link = link.strip()
             if link.lower().startswith("javascript"):
             # normalize url
             link = urljoin(url,link)
             link = urldefrag(link)[0]
             # strip for /
             link = link.rstrip('/')
             # if (link not in visited) and link.startswith(PREFIX) and depth<MAX_DEPTH:
             if (link not in visited) and depth<MAX_DEPTH:
                visit(link, depth+1)
 visited = {}
 starturl = sys.argv[1]
    PREFIX = sys.argv[2]
 except IndexError:
    PREFIX = starturl 

2) filter

import sys
# examples of what you want to exclude:
exclude = ['.jpg', '.png', 'gif']
# examples of what you want to include:
include = ['www.']
for line in sys.stdin:
    if not any(exclude in line for exclude in exclude) and any(include in line for include in include):

3) randomchoice

import sys, random
urls = []
for line in sys.stdin:
randPick = random.randint(0, lengthurls)

4) loop??

Currently i'm working on the loop...

Example of how you the piping (link for nice piping-article) :

python spider04.py http://tatteredcorners.tumblr.com/post/15141435895 | python tumblrfilter.py | python randomc.py  > pickedurl.txt