User:Mano Daniel Szollosi /Factory Reset
Annotiation The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer
The authors believes that the culture has been industrialized not long after the industrial revolution.
The culture's structure is one huge pyramid – on the top with the tiny elit who has monopolized power over the whole system.
Originally the cultural products tended to feed the consumers need. The authors argue this view: according to the them cultural products are tools of this massive industry to manipulate unconciously.
They see the even the exceptions as part of the the whole system.
The exceptions that are made and distributed are not exceptions from the aspect of the economy – their monopolized economy.
There are exceptions that are not accepted: it is easily observable if an artist is not excepted it gets banned from the market – his existential death will lead his mental death as well.
One of the main social problem could be that the capitalism leads its labor so desperately exhausted phisically and mentally that they do not have left any energia to critical thinking.