User:Mxrwho/The Final Project/Bibliography

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

Hacking: Making up People

Institutional labeling and the fluidity of diagnoses.

Fellows: Making Up a Mimic: Interacting with Echoes in the Age of AI

Labeling in the age of AI, its categorizing power and our reduced resistance.

Tornborg: Repetition in Transmediation

Repetition in different media and how it enriches the message.

Remaking as a Practice: Some Problems of Transmediality

Repetition as remaking. Its narrative value.

Tosca: Many Happy Returns: Sameness in Digital Literature, Narrative Games, Adaptations and Transmedial Worlds

Adaptation as a familiar home that can be re-inhabited. The importance of conciseness.

Hassan & Barber: The effects of repetition frequency on the illusory truth effect

How repetition affects beliefs of truth.