
From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

A non-linear presentation

General direction and starting point

Main interests: Language as a collection of segments but also as the non-static, ever changing space of making meaning, the (futile) effort to make language static, to give meaning a permanence that is unnatural, to colonize and monopolize it, the dynamics and importance of language in relation to a person's connection to society and the self.

Influence of the course

I found bash and text manipulating capabilities (commands such as grep, awk, shuf, but also fortunes and aliases) very inspirational, as well as texts and talks connected to the politics of computational language (eg. choices regarding the interpretation of data, or the forming of commands and concepts).

I enjoy comparing how different fields approach language and meaning, and exploring boundaries: Eg. How does computer science perceive language in comparison to semantics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics and even aesthetics? To what extend can we use concepts such as intentionality (both in its philosophical and literary-theory sense) and reader-response, interactionism (in its micro-sociological sense) and psychoanalytic symbolism to analyze and manipulate meaning? What is the role of error in making meaning?

Random Associations of Structured Structurelessness


An installation that will allow the visitor to experience language units (eg. words, sentences, maybe even phonemes as organic elements) as objects, explore the impact these objects have on them, challenge and change them (so, exposing the importance of the narrative and our power over it, understand that every construct can be deconstructed and rebuilt).

Biggest challenge

Narrowing it down.


Languages and Automata (Alexandra Silva)

Regular Languages and Finite Automata (Andrew Pitts)

Mainframe Experimentalism (Hannah Higgins)

Computing as Writing (Andrew Pitts)

Phenomenology of Spirit (GWF Hegel)

Other influence, in my personal practice

Sound: Field recording as practice and using sound as a tool, embracing imperfection:

My approach has changed since we worked on loops and field recordings: I started recording my works on the go, and even adopted in my last work a less curated video recording approach.

Implemented the html and css on my personal page and used imagemagick ( composite -blend 20 -gravity center Untitled2.1000x.png Untitled1.png Untitled3.png ) to enhance the visual aspect