Fiction Writing

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Fictioning or fiction writing has been utilised as tool in activating the archive of Radio Worm. The tool includes but is not limited to: world-building, character-making, narrative structure, speculation, imagining and sonic fiction. Collective fictioning requires common ground and concensus.

Execution of fictioning in the radio broadcasts: This has been done most prominently in two broadcasts "Hitchhikers guide to an Active Archive" and "Personal Accounts of Irreplaceable Lace: a 200 year old history of Lost and Found". Both broadcasts had elements of both textual and sonic world-building and established characters or roles to tell a narrative.

"Hitchhikers guide to an Active Archive" was a non-linear choose-your-own adventure game that featured audience interaction as a quintessential part of a radio broadcast. All three of the radio makers took on roles (Navigator, Protocoler, Performer) and made use of repetitive sonic and textual elements, sharing the narrative structure through protocols presented on a flowchart and a textual wiki version of the narrative.
While "Personal Accounts of Irreplaceable Lace: a 200 year old history of Lost and Found" was a linear fictional story of archivists over the course of 2 centuries who archive through (fictional) mediums. The broadcast was tangentially inspired by the method of critical fabulation, formulated by academic and writer Saidiya Hartman. Critical fabulation is a writing method which combines archival records with fictional writing and critical theory in order to make sense of the blanks and cracks in historical narrative.

See also: Exquisite corpse exercise, Saidiya Hartman, Choose-your-own adventure, Critical Fabulation The Hitchhiker's Guide to an Active Archive