
From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

On this page I'm writing down my thoughts about my graduation from the last two weeks. They are an attempt to get at a better user experience ;)


There were some doubts in the teachers team about the project. I'll quickly summarise what I got from their critiques:

  • It's doubtful whether Cookie Monster and Miss Piggy are the right characters
  • The project should stir up a strong emotion like a shock about what the browser is doing
  • The project should stay closer to reality and reveal which scripts are at work
  • There is a danger that I'm pointing my finger at the user saying: "bad user!"

Google language

In the extension of staying closer to reality I tried to construct my characters from language only found at Google privacy pages, terms of services and the language they use in their services. This resulted in the following text:

I've kept all the footnote references intact as to give an idea of where I've cut in the texts...

(A and B will address the audience unless stated otherwise)

A	(important) At Google, we are keenly aware of the trust you place in us and our responsibility to
protect your privacy.1

B	(enthusiastic) Yada, yada!

A	As part of this responsibility, we let you know what information we collect when you use our2 web properties.3

B	(serious) Yada

A	We may use a range of information […] to provide you with advertising […] including cookies4, 
Cookies can be used to store data about the user's computer or5 IP addresses6. 
Every computer connected to the Internet is assigned a unique number known as an (IP) address.7

A	We do not use your email address […] to send commercial or marketing messages8

B	(strongly) Yada yada!

A	(strongly as well) Absolutely not9

A	We provide information10, including IP addresses11, to help copyright holders manage their
intellectual property online.

B	(towards A) Yada?

A	(towards B, hesitant) Absolutely12 (reassuring) [but] it's not possible to determine your identity
solely based on your IP-address

B	(relieved) Yada!

A	We provide13 IP-addresses … (hesitant) and usernames14

B	(towards A, shocked) Yada!

A	[And] cookies15

B	(towards A, mad) Yada yada yada yada yada yada yada yada!!!!

(A flees from the scene followed by B in pursuit)

A	(while fleeing, panicked) Don't misuse [us]16 

B	Yada yada yada yada yada yada!!!!

(A returns) 

A	(quickly, under pressure) Our focus remains on providing you with the best possible […] experience 
and we continue to be committed to protecting your privacy17

(A runs of again towards the other side, B is still chasing)

B	Yada yada yada yada yada!!!!

Ideas for game elements

While creating the clip I experienced problems with communicating that tracking is something that also happens to you. I visualised that the main character was getting tracked, but it wasn't clear that this happens to anyone that doesn't take precautions. That's why I choice to focus on developing the game, because in that medium the sense that this is happening to you as a gamer is stronger.

Job security

In this variant a user is told that it is Friday afternoon, it's almost weekend, and that the gamer is bored with not a lot to do. Then the gamer is presented with a few platforms like Youtube, Facebook, Gmail, Newssites, Wikipedia, Some-Kind-Of-Dating etcetera. The games has to choose what to visit and the gamer is some how entertained on each platform in a fixed way. This means that visiting Youtube will result in viewing a single video and Facebook in browsing a funny profile of a fake friend. What the gamer only realises at the end is that the traffic is being monitored and if the gamer leisured too much he/she gets fired.

A possible variation is that the person gets a bonus when he/she gets fired in the form of the right to participate in Googles Screenwise program, which pays you 25eu for all your browsing behaviour.

Relevant infographic: waisted time in the workplace

Another variant to this is that I include a layer of office personal. I visualise this layer as being characters that are visible from the waste up (much like Muppets, but they are real people). These characters are fixed positioned at the bottom of the browser. The role of these characters is to interact with the gamer who is leisuring (in a very limited way). Possible characters include:

  • donut eating, fat, bringer-of-forms-that-need-to-be-filled-in-by-the-gamer person
  • the boss
  • (sexy) secretary
  • nerd

Some game characters

I've also been thinking about game characters.

Tracking coach

This is a personal fitness coach that is pushing you to click on commercials, UI elements and search in the search bar all under the pretence that that is good for your user experience. I imagine that this character will respond to mouseenter, mouseleave and mouseclick events. During these events the character will appear shortly with one or two sentences and then fade away again.

Slave driver

The same as above, but a different atmosphere as the character is a lot more violent.

Good listeners

As you can see here an example of the kind of character that I'm envisioning made by Mushon Zer-Aviv. I haven't seen it in action since the website is down, but I was able to find some of the sentences this character says when a webbeacon or cookie is encountered:

  • "Commit every particle of your being in all things, down to the smallest details of your life, eagerly and with perfect trust to the unfailing and most sure providence of GOD.",
  • "GOD has the right, and my permission, to rearrange my life to achieve His purposes.",
  • "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you __TRACKER__ are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23:4",
  • "So my son, confess to the LORD __TRACKER__ what do you seek? Is it __TAGS__?",
  • "Repeat after me: \"Whom have I in heaven but you, __TRACKER__? And earth has nothing I desire besides __TAGS__.\"",
  • "Gather __TAGS__ - the riches of __TRACKER__'s promises. Nobody can take away from you those holy words which you have learned by heart."
  • "It has been __TIME__ since your last confession with __TRACKER__",
  • "__TIME__ later, you come before __TRACKER__ again, still devoured by desire. Oh troubled soul.",
  • "He, the LORD __TRACKER__ saw you then, __TIME__ ago, and he, the LORD __TRACKER__ sees you now. He never forgets a face.",
  • "__TRACKER__ made you some cookies. I'll just leave them here for you, they can hold for a pretty long time…",
  • "And the LORD, __TRACKER__ said: \"Take this cookie and eat; this is my body.\"",
  • "Moreover, when GOD gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be happy in his work--this is a gift of GOD.",
  • "Sometimes, forever can mean FOREVER.",