A case for chopchop
isometric figlet font
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wget http://www.figlet.org/fonts/isometric1.flf /home/username/.fonts:/usr/share/fonts/isometric1.flf && figlet -f isometric1 "chopchop" -w 60
Description of the Process
In this process our aim is to make a case for our server chopchop.
We intend to etch e.g. the above text into the case. Is the P too small? If we modify it, it's no longer at the base plane like the other characters are.
Possible ways to etch the design into the case & possible case designs
- Create a 4mm layer but divide it into two layers of 2mm each.
General Concept
Installation / display
- Chopsitcks, restaurant, hand and plate - making two gaps to insert chopsticks in. The chopsticks as flags? - Do we want the chopsticks? - could the hand hold the server with the chopsticks? possible with Epoxy? - Do we need a right hand?
Design of the case
- Painting it? Associations with food; servers, serving and service - Sandwich shaped case, works with the plate - House shaped case - chopcjhop cut-out style providing airflow might be practical - One or two-pieces to start with. E.g. a house design with chopchop etched into the roof - Windows could provide airflow?
$ sudo apt-get install krita
so in general there are seemingly two entries to the concept of chopchop. On one hand it is the association to chop sticks, and a server that serves – which creates associations to food or a restaurant. The other being chopchop as a saying for speeding up and a sense of urgency.
Making the Case
- Copy the ASCII text from the pad
- Make outlines from ASCII text in Adobe Illustrator
- Make subtle adjustments to the text to improve the quality of the 3D print (i.e. make the ASCII graphic bolder)
- Convert from SVG to STL using https://svg2stl.com/
In tinkercad
- Import the STL
- Make the chopchop stl file into a negative, 'cookie-cutter'
- Combine the negative STL file of the chopchop logo with the Raspberry Pi case
Test Printing the O
- Start a new project in tinkercad
- Import the Raspberry Pi Case and the chopchop text STL files
- Make an inverse cookie cutter to select the O section only
- Combine all the shapes such that only the letter O remains;
- Download the O shape from Tinkercad and import the STL into Ultimaker Cura
- Slice it up and print it out