Mushishi Analysis
虫 in Mushishi are not insects or microbes, but a kind of parasite and mediator of the natural order that coexists with plants and animals, in absolute neutrality
How to get away from the elements of fantasy
The starting point for the creation of the story is the stories passed down in the village of my childhood, the rumors from my elders.
虫 are very similar to the ancient and common wisdom of the world.
森本 哲郎 《日本語 表と裏》(outwardness and innerthoughts of Japanese language)
Meaning of 虫 Words and Imagery in Japanese Culture
There is a mysterious force within the unconscious realm of human beings that is not under the control of the conscious mind, which suddenly awakens at a certain moment and commands people to do something unusual.
This mysterious force is similar to what Freud called libido.
虫:无意识的表征符号 Representational symbols of the "unconscious"
But it cannot be corralled into the human unconscious, but is closer to the unconscious of language itself