Revision as of 17:47, 31 January 2012 by Fako Berkers (talk | contribs)
These are the lyrics for the song where I'm creating the video for. The melody will be a techno version of the tune of “Should I Stay Or Should I Go Now” by The Clash
When I'm online buying shoes They know exactly what I choose If I decide that I don't bu-y It won't escape their virtual eye So the next day I will see-ee Ads for shoes that look crappy For all this track technology They store cookies on your PC And although it's your property-ee They use the memory for free You never get any pay-ou-out So come on everybody shout <chorus> I want money for those cookies I want money for those cookies If you're using our hard drives Make sure everybody thri-ives Pay before you place cookies! </chorus> If you sell your cookies for hard cash You'll be rich in just a flash But in the cookie industry-ee You need real personality Let moi assist you on that fro-ont You'll regret it if you don't {{ chorus }} You get cookies these days for free Everybody has except for me What am me doing wro-ong! Me want a cookie on me tong! Since you all have ple-enty-ee Please give cookie to charity {{ chorus * 2 }}