User:Adèle/NorthC: A Data Hotel
A self organized four week residency with Sylvie shaped the first chapter of the script. (Brussels, in the studio of June, Victor, Fen and Eva)
Here is a overview of our activities: Residency with Sylvie
chapter 1 (NorthC: a data hotel/conductive real estate)
Location: --> This chapter happens in a Cloud and focuses on two worms inhabiting it: a string of zeros and ones(or a string of data) and a lightning bolt.
wormy characters: --> The string of data could be a part of the color matrix of an image representing a data center posted on a website or send to a friend on a messenger app.
--> The lightning bolt is an electrostatic discharge between the atmosphere and the ground, two polarized entities. An electrostatic discharge is the release and transmission of electricity in an applied electric field through a medium such as a gas, it occurs when differently-charged objects are brought close together or when the dielectric between them breaks down, often creating a visible spark. (cloud-to-ground action)
images from left to right: screenshot of Tenkū no Shiro: Laputa. (1986). [Film] Japan: Studio Ghibli. (charged cloud) - data center (powered up)
images from left to right: data science representation (the worms in the worm hole) - screenshot of Tenkū no Shiro: Laputa. (1986). [Film] Japan: Studio Ghibli. (electricity worms)
Drawings/collages with Syl
The fence, collaborative drawing with Sylvie
The ExpressRoute, collaborative drawing with Sylvie
Mél Hogan, and the environmental media Lab from the university of Calgari, Canada
The Data center Industrial Complex
Where the internet lives: ventilation sound
Where the internet lives, life of people working for the internet
“Where the Internet Lives”, Data Centers as Cloud Infrastructure, Jennifer Holt, Patrick Vonderau