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  • Tool: JupiterLab "Notebook" /// Nobel way to mix text and code
    • (.ipynb)
  • Literate programming: "Donald E. Knuth" ☼
  • Pdf tip: visualize a specific #page (/pdf#page=15)
  • "is real code in the scense of being cryptic"
  • there is a lot of analytical thought reading code, stop, decrypt, get lost, keep reading. is it allways a trying to find out meaning and functions?

P Y T H O N # 1

  • Verb: Parse, to separate a sentence into grammatical parts, such as subject, verb, etc.
  • Tool: Python visualizator ☼
  • "Expressions must be same type in order to operate each other"
  • "?" to look documentation
  • Dialogue experiment with texts:
from random import choice 

a = ('exercise of reciprocity',
     'I give you give yourself', 
     'exercise of reciprocity', 
     'the devastating reality that is currently affecting the quality of food', 
     'systematic problem', 
     'are creating dependency,undercurrent', 
     'people are living and cultivating according to new or past principles outside global corporations, recovering solidarity, hope, life, food, and bio-diversifying forms of being.',
     'this essay is to find ourselves and others heart to heart.',
     'go over.',
     'puyky, an onomatopoeia of the heartbeat, that is said to be connected with the beating of the cosmos itself,', 
     'How to feel-think the future of food and water from a perspective of reciprocity? Why is ATATA a fruitful principle for the future survival of the human kind?', 
     'ATATA is a palindrome', 
     'the goods and something else.', 
     'the primordial pond',
     'which links it to water as well.', 
     'responsibility of taking care of what you are receiving.',
     'ATATA can be related with the Mayan Tseltal concept of Ich´el ta muk translated as “respect and recognition for all living things in nature.', 
     'achieving full biocontrol over the process. There is a lot of money invested in the creation of food that is low in nutrients but high on private patents owned', 
     'This has created a scenario where the keepers of ancestral seeds started to be treated as criminals', 
     'The ancient cultural cycle of corn is now a dependent one.',
     'endangering life, while hiding the evidence of being responsible for the dead.', 
     'This leads to land concentration; a few actors having control over important areas.', 
     'in their hearts they know life ends when water is not flowing,', 
     'knowledge to take care', 
     'natural balance', 
     'This is a time for creative collective praxis to protect life and common goods', 
     'keeping germplasm banks to conserve seeds in low temperature environments', 
     'milpa', 'In this way we make the noble effort to keep alive the rainbow seeds (varieties of food) to give the future as much colors and flavors as we have received from earth and our previous generations.', 
     '(Inter)acting from within the power of my heart is necessary because through my work and my way of living I am affecting others, known and unknown. As native people say it is through the heart that we can be aware of the consequences of our acts in the territory we live in without ignoring other lands and people.',
     'Reciprocity is a relationship with living nature: plants, territory, animals, and cultures to which we have a lot to re-appropriate and learn from, because feeding ourselves is a process where awareness, memory, and re-learning are needed.'

b = ( 'John Berger once wrote: “hope is something that occurs in very dark moments. It is like a flame in the darkness; it isnt like a confidence and a promise.”', 
     'So, why “hope,” and why now? How can we release hope from Pandora’s jar? ', 
     'are there any reasons to be hopeful despite the evidence?', 
     'The Contemporaneity of “Hope”, Agamben describes contemporaneity not as an epochal marker but as a particular relationship with one’s time. It is defined by an experience of profound dissonance.', 
     'Memory has become particularly threatening because it offers the potential to recover the promise of lost legacies of resistance.', 
     'hope is similar to the creative process.' 

c = ('When we encounter others unlike ourselves, we frequently become uncomfortable, suspicious.',
     'in the view of some who most fears otherness, simply live ‘wrongly.’', 
     'The work of learning about otherness is worthwhile, but this is not always obvious initially.',
     'The crucial differences between others and our in-group are values, language, social roles, and knowledge structures.', 
     'Languages and cultures interact symbiotically, each affecting the other. ', 
     'The speed of our conversations and the structures of our interactions with others are formed in local communities of people like ourselves. ', 
     'working towards removing this sense of otherness and embracing it as part of the oneness that we seek with the world around us. ', 
     'Otherness, as I see it, is the spark of original thought and greater appreciation of nature,',
     'Alterity is one of our greatest fears. And yet it should be our greatest treasure.'  

print('This is a random dialogue between the texts Hope, Otherness and ATATA part of the words of the future project')
print ('')

for text in range(10):
    atata = choice(a)
    hope = choice(b)
    otherness = choice(c)
    print( 'A. -', atata.capitalize() )
    print(' ')
    print( 'H. -', hope.capitalize() )
    print(' ')
    print( 'O. -', otherness.capitalize() )
    print(' ')
This is a random dialogue between the texts Hope, Otherness and ATATA part of the words of the future project

A. - Businesses
H. - Are there any reasons to be hopeful despite the evidence?
O. - The work of learning about otherness is worthwhile, but this is not always obvious initially.
A. - In this way we make the noble effort to keep alive the rainbow seeds (varieties of food) to give the future as much colors and flavors as we have received from earth and our previous generations.
H. - Memory has become particularly threatening because it offers the potential to recover the promise of lost legacies of resistance.
O. - When we encounter others unlike ourselves, we frequently become uncomfortable, suspicious.
A. - In their hearts they know life ends when water is not flowing,
H. - Memory has become particularly threatening because it offers the potential to recover the promise of lost legacies of resistance.
O. - The work of learning about otherness is worthwhile, but this is not always obvious initially.
A. - Ecocide
H. - The contemporaneity of “hope”, agamben describes contemporaneity not as an epochal marker but as a particular relationship with one’s time. it is defined by an experience of profound dissonance.
O. - With
A. - Atata can be related with the mayan tseltal concept of ich´el ta muk translated as “respect and recognition for all living things in nature.
H. - Memory has become particularly threatening because it offers the potential to recover the promise of lost legacies of resistance.
O. - Languages and cultures interact symbiotically, each affecting the other. 
A. - I give you give yourself
H. - Memory has become particularly threatening because it offers the potential to recover the promise of lost legacies of resistance.
O. - The work of learning about otherness is worthwhile, but this is not always obvious initially.
A. - In their hearts they know life ends when water is not flowing,
H. - Hope is similar to the creative process.
O. - Alterity is one of our greatest fears. and yet it should be our greatest treasure.
A. - Wholesome
H. - Are there any reasons to be hopeful despite the evidence?
O. - Otherness, as i see it, is the spark of original thought and greater appreciation of nature,
A. - Solidarity
H. - Memory has become particularly threatening because it offers the potential to recover the promise of lost legacies of resistance.
O. - When we encounter others unlike ourselves, we frequently become uncomfortable, suspicious.
A. - (inter)acting from within the power of my heart is necessary because through my work and my way of living i am affecting others, known and unknown. as native people say it is through the heart that we can be aware of the consequences of our acts in the territory we live in without ignoring other lands and people.
H. - So, why “hope,” and why now? how can we release hope from pandora’s jar? 
O. - The work of learning about otherness is worthwhile, but this is not always obvious initially.
  • I'm running it random, now I'm thinking in a way to actually make some sort of order using "if" and "else".

P Y T H O N # 2


  • Pattern
import random

moons = ['🌕','🌑','🌘','🌗','🌖','🌔','🌓']
width = 50
height = 30
line = ''

for y in range(height):
    for x in range(width):
        line += random.choice(moons)
    line = ''
  • Texts

ISSUE · 13

  • Homeostasis: Internal balance that every leving organism has. Dynamic equilibrium.

W O R D S · O F · T H E · F U T U R E

  • What about the from of the book? Vertical Building?
  • "The book as an important tool of dramaturge"
  • is there such a thing as post-colonial language for the future?
  • What's the technological context of the project and which one now?

