Projects in becoming
Biennale of slovenian independant illustration
Kino Šiška, Ljubljana, Slovenia
21. 10. - 8. 11. 2019
From the lack of abstract, metaphoric, conceptual exchange comes the urge to find possible channels of communicating ideas and reflections.
In a form of a printed notebook, also available online.
Why be ashamed of thoughts? Channeling and making thoughts publicly accessible, by that entering the possible field of inter-exchanging and reflecting. By that, abandoning the existential misery of not having an outlet, producing conversation.
- Text about metaphors
- Texts from the overview pad.
Reductive collective composition technique.
Can be programmed. But why? And in what way? What is the meaning of it, it's final goal? What does it tell about the world?
If programmed - it has to have a hardware "externality" - the input of the signals could be radio FM receiver:
- randomly selecting stations (for example 5s each, recorded)
- decision making
- implementation of the previous recording
- repetition of the protocol
- recovery
Fantasize on possible end results: Is it chaos? Is it conformity to the general sound parameters found in the mainstream? Does it go agains the mainstream completely - denying and contrasting it.
Improvisation and machines? It is not randomness. It is not chaos. How could improvisation protocols be "translated" into intuitive-machine learning processes? (Really? Call Dre or smth -> check meta, check 50?)
AIVA: "artificial intelligence composing emotional soundtrack".
Inda told me about this technique of composition - when you lack inspiration as a composer. You take three catchy refrains from known songs, transpose them all into the same key, and then shift around the notes, collage a little and here, you have a new catchy song.
Play this pattern
collect the material, choose the collaborators (human or machine?), write about it #todo
Real-time conductor
Talk with Federico Pipia!
Post-production of experience
giro sensors, making a 3D drawing, that is created from the movements a performer/lecturer makes in real-time. 3D printing the parts of the content that seem crucial -> the listener chooses the emphasis.
Funny history, this thought of 3d printing traces has been present already in 2016, here's a mail I sent to my cousins:
Zdravo bratrančka! Upam, da je vse dobro.
Utrnila se mi je ideja in tudi sledeča, da bi jo delila z vama ...
Projekt bi bila lahko in-site instalacija s produktom ali aplikacija.
Zadeva ima dva možna prostorska nivoja - soba ali mesto.
Hm, torej.
Gre se za sledenje in zapis nevidnega gibanja. Materializacija poti.
Človek ves čas riše linije s svojimi premiki. Predstavljajta si, da bi tem premikom sledili (z gps in altitude merilci v prostorski dimenziji - mesto ali s senzorji/kamerami v prostorski dimenziji - soba). Podatki o poti in premikih bi se zbirali v real-time trodimenzionalnem grafu. Ki bi produciral unikatne, vsakemu akterju/subjektu specifične izdelke (risbe, kipe).
Zamislila sem si torej tri stopnje:
1. akterja, ki se giblje;
2. naprave, ki gibom sledijo; 3. vizualni prikaz izsledkov.
Prikaz bi lahko bil v virtualni obliki kot 3D risba, še bolje pa kot skulptura/kip/plastika. (žica, 3D print). Gre se za materializacijo neotipljivega in unikatnost premika.
Hm, upam, da je tole razumljivo.
Podelita mi svoje misli, prosim.
Se veselim.
In odgovor:
Kul najprej malenkost obveznega čtiva
Mimo tega,
- verjetno ima skoraj vsak vklopljeno neko sledenje pri googlu, ki si ga lahko tudi pogleda. išči "google location history". to bi lahko služilo kot osnova za precej podatkov.
- instaliri odprtokodni OsmAnd, tam je samosledenje in shranjevanje, po lastni odločitvi in bolj nadzorljivo, precej enostavno
- če bi želela te sledi tiskat, bi rabila nekoga, ki ti iz verjetno .gpx formata pretvori v nekaj, kar se da tiskat, ... to se sliši kot nek Ljudmila projekt
Textuality & ...
Txt to speech with my own voice performativity of text. performative lecture. poetry? Also my own sound/general art work. Where does it go?
A collective process on the topic of public space, granted funds following the application to the funded by the city of Ljubljana, Slovenia