User:Tash/grad characters
Test Play: May 2019
Insta accounts donated from last play: Handle: @instawarrior999 Pw: instaWARNET666
Protonmail accounts donated from last play: E: instawarrior666 P: instaWARNET666
Protonmail ready accounts: E: instaranger111 P: instaWARNET111
Email: instaalchemist222 P: instaWARNET222
Email: instapaladin333 Pw: instaWARNET333
- Political Paladin
- political content, news, left wing vs right wing, brexit, trump, elections and identity politics in your own country
- Social Justice Warrior
- Social justice warrior (SJW) is a pejorative term for an individual who promotes socially progressive views, including feminism, civil rights, and multiculturalism, as well as identity politics. - in this context: defender of minorities. LGBTQ, minor faiths, minor ethnicities, immigrants.
- Manosphere Ranger
- manosphere, mens rights activists, anti-feminists, oppression of women
- Pop-Culture Alchemist
- pop culture, trends, from celebrity fads to diets to conspiracies