User:Alice/Code Exercises
Oulipo exercise
Improved the N + 7 code we wrote in Prototyping, by debugging and adding some tests. Work in progress.
Bug example: the for loop was skipping capitalized words, because it could not find them in the input file with nouns.
To fix, I added the lower method for strings to turn all text to lowercase.
for word in separated:
word = word.lower() + '\n'
To test it, I added a test.
def test_seven():
assert seven('Baboons') == 'babushkas'
Full script (in progress)
def seven(sentence):
fpath = open('91K nouns.txt')
nouns = fpath.readlines()
separated = sentence.split()
new_separated = []
for word in separated:
word = word.lower() + '\n'
if word in nouns:
position = nouns.index(word)
new_word = nouns[position + 7]
#print(" replacing", new_position)
#print("adding to new_separated ", word)
return ' '.join(new_separated)
#sentence = input('What is your sentence? ')
# pytest requires that you name your tests with test_<your-name>
# run with the 'pytest' command in your terminal
def test_seven():
assert seven('Baboons') == 'babushkas'
assert seven('Baboons,') == 'babushkas'
Tesseract exercise
Initial test to train tesseract to recognise an image as a character/word
First, using imagemagick, convert the jpg file into a tiff file, for better OCR results
convert -density 300 flower3.jpg -depth 8 -strip -background white -alpha off flower3.tiff
Using tesseract page segmentation -8 and -10, I tested it to see what kind of text output I would get when it considers the image as single character or as a word.
tesseract flower.tiff -psm 8 output
tesseract flower.tiff -psm 10 output2
results were
I created a boxfile for the best result (with psm -10)
tesseract flower4.tiff -psm 10 flower4 makebox
I then opened the image/boxfile combination with moshpytt, and edited the content of the box, in order to recognise it as the word 'flower'.
Python exercise inspired by the work of Carl Andre
I wrote a script that would turn a list of words of different lengths into a pattern similar to the one Carl Andre typed by hand with a typewriter. It takes a text file as input. In the context of Special Issue V, the text will be the result of OCR-ing a page scanned from my reader. The script selects all words that are shorter or equal to the number given as argument maxlength, then arragnes them into an ascending/descending pattern.
import pytest
from math import ceil
from pprint import pprint
from sys import stdout
def pop_items(words, num_items):
''' Removes num_items from words.'''
if not words:
return [], []
if num_items > len(words):
raise ValueError('Not enough items!')
popped = []
for number in range(num_items):
removed = words.pop(0)
return popped, words
def all_words_less_than(words, maxlength):
''' Checks if the words have the correct length given in maxlength'''
for word in words:
if len(word) > maxlength:
return False
return True
def filterwords(words, maxlength):
''' Puts the words which have the correct length in a new list '''
goodwords = []
for word in words:
if len(word) <= maxlength and len(word) >=2:
return goodwords
def pattern(words, maxlength):
goodwords = filterwords(words, maxlength)
items_pattern = maxlength + (maxlength -4)
if len(goodwords) % items_pattern != 0:
rest = len(goodwords) % items_pattern
difference = len(goodwords) - rest
goodwords = goodwords[:difference]
times = int(len(words) / items_pattern)
final_pattern = []
for each_time in range(times):
popped, whatisleft = pop_items(goodwords, items_pattern)
if not popped:
goodwords = whatisleft
middle = ceil(len(popped)/2)
ascending = sorted(popped[:middle], key=len)
descending = sorted(popped[middle:], key=len, reverse=True) #print ("{} items".format(len(l)))
sorted_pattern = ascending + descending
return final_pattern
def test_pattern_returns_list():
list_items = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
assert type(pattern(list_items, 3)) == type([])
def test_pattern_removes_over_max_len():
list_words_right_length = [['a', 'aa', 'aaa', 'aa', 'a']]
words_wrong_length = list_words_right_length[0] + ['aaaaa']
assert pattern(words_wrong_length, 3) == list_words_right_length
def test_pop_items():
assert pop_items(['a', 'aaa'], 1) == (['a'], ['aaa'])
def test_pop_items_empty_list():
assert pop_items([], 70) == ([], [])
def test_pop_items_num_too_big():
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
pop_items(['a', 'b'], 3)
def test_cuts_for_pattern():
list_with_nine = ['a'] * 9
result = pattern(list_with_nine, 3)
assert len(result[0]) == 5
def test_empty_list_for_pattern():
result = pattern([], 3)
assert result == []
def test_list_too_short_for_pattern():
list_too_short = ['a', 'aa']
result = pattern(list_too_short, 3)
assert result == []
if __name__ == '__main__':
with open('ghhh.txt', 'r') as handle:
contents =
splitted = contents.split()
ll = (pattern(splitted, 8))
for l in ll:
for x in l: