User:Inge Hoonte/Dmytri Kleiner

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki - free microblogging

Network topologies:

Mesh Network > unmediated, direct. Internet. Any user can communicate with any other user. Peer to peer. Financed capital now, for profit, commercial, but not built that way (military, NGO, etc). Thimble doesn't have accounts.

Star Network > all communication goes thru central node. Always has to go thru here.

FINGER will at first return No Plan
echo "hi" > .plan
finger ihoonte will then return Plan: hi

No central place for data. Plan file is for "twitter", status updates. So if you want to know what someone's doing, you finger them. Mostly used in universities. Plain text, command line interface. If you want to know what a whole class is doing, you have to finger them all. Not user friendly, web 2.0.

Thimbl is micro-blogging, decentralized, no accounts. Structured, json data.

Graphical client:

You can clone it and use it on own server.


Another telekommunisten project. File sharing system on one usb stick. You use the wiki to communicate. Network through sms via gateway. Gateway passes message on, so you don't know who it's going to or coming from. Urban game. Dystopian world.... Hard to deliver clandestine messages. Also comment on internet safety, routing, censorship. Really hard to keep the network going for more than a few cycles.

Also -- the phone at the Worm event where you call and leave a message, it repeats it, layered with messages people have left before. He also designed a number where when you call it, it connects you to the previous person who called the number. These are things you can do with thimbl...

Attention economy.

Dallas Walker Smythe: audience commodity. Analyze economy of media. Consciousness industry (advertisers). What's being sold is behavioral control.

Reputation economy. Mirrors real economy. What's being sold is audience. Capitalism is a misused term. Specific mode of production. People without capitalism sell labor to capitalists, who own the product of labor. Capitalist needs to control circulation and value. If you apply this to free open network, no place to centralize control. How is value created? Who controls it? How is it produced?

Free software movement > Free culture movement. Open source, creative commons. Original anti-copyright movement (dada, etc) was anti-proletarian. Fringe, so not funded by capitalism. Software is capital! Change industry itself to create free culture, one that doesn't own product of labor.

Revolution.... people will always use some medium to communicate.

Social capitalism reflected in Reputation economy.

Marcel Mauss - The Gift. In gift economy the exchange is valued. Reciprocity is measured in relationships. German gift = poison. An unreturned gift is poison.

Lets > barter credits. So it's about balancing your credit, not necessarily about equal exchange in one barter. It should have space for failure, different senses of value. Is based on cultural appreciation too.

