Artist: Felix Gonzalez Torres
Artist: Aaron Koblin
Artist: Jeanne van Heeswijk
Design: Conditional Design
Text: My Lawyer is an Artist
Text: Paul Ryan A Geneealogy of Video (Uncreative Text)
Text: Oulipo. The New Media Reader, Chapter 12 (Uncreative Text)
Text: The Cut-Up Method of Brion Gysin
Text: Adilkno The Media Archive
Book: What Is Situationism?: A Reader
Annotation: Annotation - T.A.Z. The Temporary Autonomous Zone
Annotation: Annotations Of.. - Michel Foucault - The Means of Correct Training, from Discipline and Punish, Gille Deleuze - Postscript on Societies of Control
Annotation: Hybride Text - Michel Foucault - Gille Deleuze
Annotation: Ideology
Annotation: The Work of Art in the Age
Essay: Ideology Essay