Revision as of 16:12, 3 February 2015 by Michael Murtaugh (talk | contribs) (Michael Murtaugh moved page to MoviePy)
Examples of using the python library MoviePy
Here's a file that should be called "":
import re
def srtparse (src):
""" parse srt src (string), returns list of dicts with start, end, timecode, content """
spat = re.compile(r"^(?:\d+\n)?((?:\d\d:)?\d\d:\d\d(?:,\d\d\d)? *--> *(?:(?:\d\d:)?\d\d:\d\d(?:,\d\d\d)?)?)$", re.M)
tcpat = re.compile(r"(?:(\d\d):)?(\d\d):(\d\d)(?:,(\d\d\d))? *--> *(?:(?:(\d\d):)?(\d\d):(\d\d)(?:,(\d\d\d))?)?")
# spat = re.compile(r"^(?:\d+\n)?(\d\d:\d\d:\d\d(?:[,\.]\d\d\d)? --> \d\d:\d\d:\d\d(?:[,\.]\d\d\d)?)$", re.M)
# tcpat = re.compile(r"(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)(?:[,\.](\d\d\d))? --> (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)(?:[,\.](\d\d\d))?")
tt = spat.split(src)
ret = []
for i in range(1, len(tt), 2):
timecode = tt[i]
content = tt[i+1]
tcs = tcpat.match(timecode).groups()
if tcs[3] == None:
start = (int(tcs[0])*3600) + (int(tcs[1])*60) + float(tcs[2])
start = (int(tcs[0])*3600) + (int(tcs[1])*60) + float(tcs[2]+"."+tcs[3])
if tcs[4]:
if tcs[7] == None:
end = (int(tcs[4])*3600) + (int(tcs[5])*60) + float(tcs[6])
end = (int(tcs[4])*3600) + (int(tcs[5])*60) + float(tcs[6]+"."+tcs[7])
end = None
'start': start,
'end': end,
'timecode': timecode,
'content': content.strip()
return ret
A script to load subtitles, and edit together all instances of an "uh"...
from srt import srtparse
from moviepy.editor import *
m = "Purely Python Imaging with Pymaging-OpnmcItfiHc"
with open(m+"") as f:
tt = srtparse(
clip = VideoFileClip(m+".mp4")
cc = []
for t in tt:
if 'uh' in t['content']:
cc.append(clip.subclip(t['start'], t['end']))
out = concatenate_videoclips(cc)