User:Lieven Van Speybroeck/Reading/Theory/Fernback The Individual within the Collective

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Notes on Jan Fernback's The Individual within the Collective

  1. Central questions:
    • How is collectivity in cyberspace jusxtaposed against individuality?
    • How is cyberspace used as a public space and what does this mean for the collectivity?
    • How are anarchy and dissent dealt with among the collectivity of computer-mediated communication (CMC) users?
  2. On (cyber)space:
    • [...] space is not matter, but a set of culturally bound relations as well as an empirical construction. Urry (1985)
    • The development of electronic communication technologies has abrogated space and time such that we live in a boundless "global village" with "no sense of place". (~McLucah & Meyrowitz)
    • :: -> widespread use of CMC made re-examination of our concept of space necessary.
    • Cyberspace is popular culture: a pixelated mirror of everyday life and all it's 'features'
    • CMC as an example of
  3. Users as consumers:
    • Our participation in public life has been reduced to our media consumption
    • Television as the main tool for mediaconsumption (passive consumption)
  4. Openness of cyberspace: only rules are social propriety and "netiquette"
-> Flaming and virtual harassment ("dark side of CMC")