User:Menno Harder/project proposal
Introduction text
I would like to open a new social space within my own neighborhood. I live opposite of some empty spaces and these could suit perfect to house this new platform. Through different kinds of research, both in an artistic and collaborative way, but also with a theoretical approach I want to create an archive of work surrounding my own place within this neighborhood and the possible outcome of such a space. Ideally this place will be an environment where we can have workshops, talks, music and show movies but also have the opportunity to invite people from the neighborhood to come by for a cheap weekly dinner, take free items from the give–away shop and have a place to quietly read the abundance of books that will be available for everyone.
I would like to carefully plan and create a possible structure for a such place. What can it’s appearance be, it’s meaning within the context of this area in Rotterdam? How does it relate to my personal feelings about the city, and the current cultural climate within Rotterdam, and, even more important, how do I present this space to the people that are passing by or are living near it. I can imagine that the opening–exhibition of this space could be the visualization of my own research and thoughts towards living in this neighborhood, what we can and what we can’t do. As the Middelland neighborhood consists of quite a few different area’s, both in physical appearance (it’s architecture and street planning) and in it’s social structure: it is a very multicultural part of Rotterdam, quite segregated and has seen some huge gentrification in certain parts the past years this is certainly an aspect that I could explore and visualize through the use of graphic design.
Forming new idea’s and starting a new project always relies on the experience I have had with past projects. A new project is built while still dealing with the thoughts and concepts of a just finished project. Looking back on works I have done in later years, I identify a certain way of working and initiating projects. A work usually comes forth out of an exploration of the area visited (this can be exploring the place while actually being there), or exploring it by listening to stories or reading about it either on the web or in a written document. Usually the mere visualization and translation of such an area can be a work in itself (objective journalism, documentation), but identifying the conflicts that happen within this area and commenting on them gives the work a personal and subjective layer, making the work critical towards the topic it is discussing. This project will most certainly be a combination of these two elements, in one way it is a celebration of the neighborhood, what it was, what it is and what it can become. But on the other side it is a critical reflection upon it’s history and current state. I understand that this is also a personal opinion, and that I do not share these opinions with everyone.
It's important to work for a certain kind of audience, who am I making this project for? Why am I creating an archive of several neighborhood projects? What do I see happening in Middelland right now, and how can I be sure that this additional space integrates within the already existing shops, bars, offices, houses and in a more abstract way the atmosphere (or, feel) of this location. While it seems important to actively DO something, I have to realize that my intentions are not necessarily shared by everyone. So the reasoning behind my intentions should be clear, and should take in great consideration what the actual benefits towards the neighborhood of this supposed space will be. Some of these questions are difficult to answer right now as much of them will be answered while initiating the different research-projects.
The creation of an autonomous cultural space has of course been done before and is still been done in cities throughout the world. For example, there are many active squatting groups in several Dutch cities that are reclaiming certain empty spaces and turning these into cultural centers, without the help of any municipality or subsidies from third parties. I understand that this project is also a very personal matter, as I see many empty spaces in my own neighborhood, it feels like the right moment to do something myself. Apart from claiming the actual space to perform all these activities I have to take into account the effectivity of my plans. The importance of the audience is not to be underestimated. Will this centre be an artistic environment with mostly young people or will it be suited for any kind of visitor, even those without interest in for example the current exhibition. I have to find a way to make these different groups work together, so that it can be a place for everyone. I also wonder about the Rotterdam municipality, and how they plan the neighborhood of Middelland and especially the West-Kruiskade area and 1e and 2e Middellandstraat. As various stores are popping up everywhere, and small scale business seems to flourish in these streets, how open and willing would they be for a proposal like this? And while there are several cases of successful openings, there have also been numerous spaces that had to close down due to bankruptcy and so on. An ideal situation would be a space that could survive every month by breaking even, living of of small donations and the work of volunteers.
As a starting point of my research exploring and documenting the neighborhood in several ways (through interviews, photographs, extracting and recognizing certain specific elements from the streets, visualizing and abstracting it’s street life, recording the ‘sound’ of the neighborhood) will hopefully provide me with more knowledge about the situation, and in it’s turn provide an explanation for my cause. The creation and afterwards evaluation of what I see as small neighborhood projects will give me more information and reasoning as to why I want to do this, and how I can do it. Whilst creating this archive of information I would like to create awareness of my idea's and share these with as many people as possible. In the end, it is important that my cause and intentions will be known by not only my personal surroundings, but that they also change the psychological space on the street itself. For example: When I introduce announcements for an event that might happen involving the creation of this space, then already it starts to become real, preparing the neighborhood for a future opening.
Eventually the various different project's that I have done throughout the year will be revealed. Presenting all the material that has been collected and created through collaborative work and researching of the subject. The structure in which these findings are to be presented will be visible in a physical manner (the projects actually presented in the space) and in a digital way (the works can be seen online, where they are presented on the official website of the space). I see this possible outcome as sort of library, in which the viewer can dig through the research that has been done. An important thing to note is that this library should be located within the neighborhood it researches, so to return the information. This is one of the forms in which the project can be presented, the launch of the space takes a big part in this as well. The opening of the space will bring together the different projects I have been working on this year: On one hand the presentation of the research material, and on the other hand the opening of the space.
- Documentation
- Emerging Landscape
- Participation/Cooperation
- Habitus/Cultural Identity
- Folklore
- Self Governance/ Homebrewing
- Institutional Critique of the (80's)
- Relational Practice (90's)
- Socially Engaged Art
- Dialogic Art