User:Andre Castro/2/thesis/outline

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Thesis Outline

Subject of investigation

spam emails - unsolicited emails, that employ a narrative plot to lure its receiver into providing personal information, such as bank account number or passwords, or deposit money in the spammer's account.


The elevation of spam to a artistic practice in its own right.

Demonstrate that spam is undervalued literary creation, which deserves more attentive reading.


Arguments as to why it deserves to be considered to be revalued

Spam as (digital) folklore

Spam has cast a language of its own, with specific,unique and identifiable:

  • vocabulary
  • mode of address
  • structure
  • characters (One can compare spam to Comedia dell'arte where, as a result of characters being stereotypical and known to audiences, speech lines are not written, but improvised by the actors while on stage)

  • identifiable genres and writing techniques

Transmedia narratives

  • basing its narrative and real-world events and characters
  • emails become one more media where these events are told, and new (fictious) characters are introduced into the narrative.
  • (fictious) character don't remain within this fictious world created by spammers, they extrapolate it and begin interacting with the real events and characters.



(Electronic) Literature Theory

  • Goldsmith, Kenneth. 2011. 'Uncreative Writing: Managing Language in the Digital Age'. Columbia University Press. New York.
  • Murray, Jannet. 1998. 'Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace'. MIT Press. Cambridge / London.
  • Propp, Vladímir. 1929. 'Morphology of the Folk Tale Society and Indian University'

Para-literary texts

  • Fuller, Matthew. 2000. "ATM". ShaKe Editions. London.

Digital Folklore

  • Lialina, Olia; Espenschied, Dragan. 2009. "Digital Folklore Reader". merz & solitude.