User:Kim/Stations, Skills, Resources
On Documentation
Documentation and Design Practice with Pippin Barr
Personal Infrastructure
Local First
- no more loose files
- declutter and find method for documenting project process
- generally going by field / year / project (?) (maybe year doesnt make sense because overlap?)
- versions (as files or screenshots)
- notes
- finished object (local website files etc)
- images (of presentation ...)
- what to do with things on drives ? (that I dont want to download everything from)
- generally going by field / year / project (?) (maybe year doesnt make sense because overlap?)
- have all websites as files in one place? (no but structure so I can find them again + localhost)
- export and sort notes from obsidian
Personal Website
- implement static site generator (pelican, Hugo) for personal website
- try out to build and use a git repository (maybe just for something small)
- Basics of Html video introduction by Laurel
- Basics of CSS video introduction by Laurel
- On Alternative Text Alt Text as Poetry and Alt Text Selfies
- I wrote a HTML/CSS Memo together with User:Kiara
- and made a sandbox page to demonstrate CSS Position
- Why is CSS so weird?
my favorite podcast on different computer histories:
- our friend the computer podcast
- for a work session at varia I made some examples on programming time in CSS and JS: interfacingtime (last slide "code + res")
- a collection of sound interfaces
CSS e-mail
2 Day Workshop Initiated by Declarations at Varia Rotterdam. We looked at e-mails and forms to write css into this or as correspondence.
Not all Mail clients allow to write/ view HTML and CSS. the two we used were Proton mail (which allows inline style tags) or Thunderbird. The later comes with an extension that allows you to open and edit e-mails in HTML so you can easily add a style tag to the head.
Another fun experiment was to add some HTML and styling to an e-mails signature. Some mail clients allow you to either upload a file as signature or add text in HTML or Markup language. The styles in one signature then infect a whole e-mail thread.
Arduino / physical computing
from the WDKA interaction station: