User:Kim/Stations, Skills, Resources/Documentation and Design Practice with Pippin Barr
Pippin Barr 03/19/25
We read and discussed A Reflective Conversation with Materials
- Not only thinking about how to write but what we're doing at XP is „how to get ready for writing“
- telling/ approaching the same story in many different ways, versioning where each version is equal, coming from all different possibilities, pippin barr about pongs
- on Donald Schön text: (very academic) we cite him as necessary authoritative source to legitimize our statement and move on with our lives???
- or does this allow us to use this as a basis and get into detail
- how do we not loose our reflections (which is ephemeral)
- the text puts this process of designing as solely flowing, easily and lively while it leaves out the dead ends, frustration (seeking for something but finding nothing) and overtime that are so much part of it
- to what extend are these moments (where you dont get a response from your material) worth preserving too?
- and how do these shape the (finished) design outcome?
- reflection can also be paralizing - how can we escape that then again?
- implementing our own frictions, problems, barriers to enable this sort of reflection in action (that happens when the pen is not broken) to keep a sensibility and attention for the material, tool and process
- utilize repositories as not only code version control but a way of documenting - the documentation is part of the project (adding, journals, to do's, press etc) repo as a place for reflection
- repositories can be public or private
- what is good documentation? for whom? (journal vs precise docs or instructions)