The Hitchhiker's Guide to an Active Archive/Content Protocol

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Revision as of 17:13, 21 October 2023 by Vitrinekast (talk | contribs)

🎵 Play transition jingle: move_2.mp3

Protocoller: Initiate Content Protocol. 

🎵 Play background Music: background_static.mp3

Performer: It is [TIME] and you're tuned in to Protocols for an Active Archive on Radio Worm. We're now going to listen to... What are we going to listen to?
Protocoller: "Initiate switch channel protocol". Step 1: Provide Ground Control with the paths and request for (re)direction.

🎵 Play Connecting to the ether track Connecting_to_the_ether.mp3

During this track

Navigator: Ground Control, should we MOVE UP, MOVE DOWN or STAY ON THE SAME CHANNEL?

Navigator pastes in the pad "Ground Control, should we MOVE UP, MOVE DOWN or STAY ON THE SAME CHANNEL?"

If there are no clear instructions:

Navigator: Oh no, they must not understand that we'll stay in this loop unless someone writes a decision in the pad

Go back to 🎵 Play Connecting to the ether track→

If instructions == "up"

Navigator: Instructions are received, thank you Ground Control
Performer: Thank you Ground Control. Navigator, let's switch the channel now
Navigator: Switching the channel...Switching the channel...Switching the channel...

If instructions == "stay"

Navigator: Instructions are received, 
Protocoller: Say: Thank you Ground Control
Performer: Thank you Ground Control. 
Protocoller: Present the new content
Performer: You will now be listening to The art of asking your boss for a raise by George Perec, a text written in 1968. High attention is required due to a lack of punctuation and presence of looping thoughts.

the actual content link

If instructions == "down"

Navigator: Instructions are received, thank you Ground Control
Performer: Thank you Ground Control. Navigator, let's switch the channel now
Navigator: Switching the channel...Switching the channel...Switching the channel...
  Protocoller: Present the new content
[present new content][then end section]

If there are clear instructions on what channel should be played:

Navigator: We are moving channels
moving channel music
If we move up a channel
  Navigator: Moving up a channel. Redirect to Mic Test

If we stay on the same channel
  Navigator: Staying on the same channel.
  Protocoller: Present the new content
  Performer: You will now be listening to The art of asking your boss for a raise by George Perec, a text written in 1968. High attention is required due to a lack of punctuation and presence of looping thoughts.
If we move down a channel
  Navigator: Staying on the same channel.
  Protocoller: Present the new content