Prototyping/Download Sample Cut-up Share

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki
Revision as of 11:38, 26 October 2011 by Michael Murtaugh (talk | contribs)

Get some feeds. NB wget's O option (and that's a CAPITAL O), allows to save to a reasonable filename of your choice.

wget -O woman.xml
wget -O man.xml

Creating a simple HTML page from the feed

NS = {
    'media': '',
    'dc': '',

# Doing something which each item individually (maybe extracting the names
print len(doc.xpath("//item")), "items"
for item in doc.xpath("//item"):
    svg = item.xpath(".//enclosure/@url")[0]
    thumbnail_url = item.xpath(".//media:thumbnail/@url", namespaces=NS)[0]
    creator = item.xpath(".//dc:creator/text()", namespaces=NS)[0]
    title = item.xpath(".//title/text()")[0]
    link = item.xpath(".//link/text()")[0]
    print """<div>
<a href="{1}"><img src="{2}" />{0}</a>
</div>""".format(title, link, thumbnail_url)
