User:Pedro Sá Couto/Special Issue 9

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Online Class Project proposal

Femke in the small project space on-line
Project proposals

Thursday 16 May

What are how interests Add both films Alain Resnais: Tout la memoire du monde (1956) Reading on standards and categories from: Sorting Things Out, Geoffrey Bowker and Susan Leigh Starr (1999) Annotating one hour of The Internet's Own Boy (2014) + GET SUBTITLE PAD

Workshop with Eva Weynmayr

Workshop with Eva Weynmayr: Borrowing, Poaching, Plagiarising, Pirating, Stealing, Gleaning, Referencing, Leaking, Copying, Imitating, Adapting, Faking, Paraphrasing, Quoting, Reproducing, Using, Counterfeiting, Repeating, Translating, Cloning Add reading here Add reflections of my book and Tancre

The Piracy Project — A Day at the courtroom — Transcriptions


@ Rietveld Academy library

with Eva, Martino + Anita @ Rietveld Academy library

Workshop with Bodo Balasz

Reading: Bodó, Balázs (2019): The science of piracy, the piracy of science.
Who are the science pirates and where do they come from Part I + Part II

Thursday 18 April

Class in Park + add images here

Interfacing the law

Pirate libraries, shadow libraries, piratical text collections, amateur digital libraries, peer produced libraries and how to read them together.

Email 01 — Letter 3

Dear all,

By way of kicking off the next Special Issue, please find a letter attached. The issue starts on Monday with a session hosted by Aymeric.
You can find the calendar and some additional resources here:

All the best and see you next week! Femke
