Django: Difference between revisions

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To run django "management" commands, you can ssh, and then cd into django/DJPROJECT, and from there you can:
python shell
or whatever. NB: you don't need to use runserver here because it's already setup to be served by Apache!
=== To reload your code ===
Apache will not automatically reload your project/app when the code changes. To force this to happen you need to "touch" your wsgi file (which is like marking it as having changed, and which lets apache know that it needs to reload your code:
cd django
touch DJPROJECT.wsgi

Latest revision as of 13:55, 9 April 2013

Installing your django apps on Piet Zwart 3

Ensure that you have a folder called "django" in your home folder (ie /home/YOURUSERNAME/django/).

1. Copy your Django project (say it's called DJPROJECT) into that folder (ie /home/YOURUSERNAME/django/DJPROJECT/).

2. Create a "wsgi" file and name it DJPROJECT.wsgi and put it in the django folder (ie /home/YOURUSERNAME/django/DJPROJECT.wsgi) Inside the file should be like:

import os, sys
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'DJPROJECT.settings'
import django.core.handlers.wsgi
application = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler()

Replacing YOURUSERNAME & DJPROJECTNAME with your username & the django project name!

That should be it! To view the project/app, go to:

To run django "management" commands, you can ssh, and then cd into django/DJPROJECT, and from there you can:

python shell

or whatever. NB: you don't need to use runserver here because it's already setup to be served by Apache!

To reload your code

Apache will not automatically reload your project/app when the code changes. To force this to happen you need to "touch" your wsgi file (which is like marking it as having changed, and which lets apache know that it needs to reload your code:

cd django
touch DJPROJECT.wsgi