Semester 5 - chae research log: Difference between revisions

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===meeting with grgr | Al-Mitsa-Supi's performance | book launch at Varia===

==<span style="text-shadow: 0 0 10px #33cc33;">week 5 (13 Feb - 19 Feb)</span>==
==<span style="text-shadow: 0 0 10px #33cc33;">week 5 (13 Feb - 19 Feb)</span>==

Revision as of 11:11, 12 February 2023

week 1 (16 Jan - 22 Jan)

prototyping: image compression

individual tutorial

breakfast club #11 (18-Jan-2023)

doing dishes with grgr, hand-brewed coffee with coffee lid inside, joined by others mitsi, jian, kamo and emm, breakfast club now expand to the whole master?!

individual tutorial with Natasha (20th Jan 2023)

a cabinet for interesting stuffs

week 2 (23 Jan - 29 Jan)

prototyping intimacy

  1. revisit smart textile
  2. test QR code scanning
  3. find a research on the physical distance of intimacy
  4. order headphone audio splitter and experiment with them - connect them and play with them

made this >>list of intimacy<<

iMAL Workshop: Center for Networked Intimacy - Dasha Ilina

With Supi, we attended a workshop by Dasha Ilina. We built a circuit that plays the sound.

Breakfast Club #12 (25-Jan-2023)

With grgr, we built a vernacular-improv-coffee-brewing-tower. Also grgr made a wiki for the crunchy project!!! We read <Wonder> from Dear Science together, thinking of flying cheekbones, crunchy projects and multifarious textures and hues. Later joined by Jian, Suzzana and Aglaia.

individual tutorial with Michael

kimchi making with Jian / her thoughts on awkward-clumsy tools which make you think

The crunchy sounds of cabbages(rubbing cabbage with your hands) are like the sound when you step into the fresh snow.
Barcode / the clumsiness and awkwardness in tools and making your own circuits. 지안이 보여준 프로토타입에서 케이블들을 본인의 손으로 이어, 서킷을 잇는 그 제스처, 그 어색함이 일으키는 어어..? 이게 지금 무슨 일이지? 새로운 시선, 새로운 경험, 다른 방식으로 접근하게 되는 것. 갑자기 나의 몸이 전도체가 되고, 어떤 개념 (예컨대 전류의 흐름)이 체화되어서, embodied experience되는 것.

Individual tutorial with Natasha

iMAL Workshop: Tech Mining with Supi

week 3 (30 Jan - 5 Feb)

prototyping | I was sick X_X

Some stuff not to forget, while writing thesis

breakfast club #13 (1 Feb 2023) and education morning

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week 4 (6 Feb - 12 Feb)

check-in / assessment

workshop: glass blowing with GG

breakfast club #14 (08-feb-2023)

workshop: WAMIA



meeting with grgr | Al-Mitsa-Supi's performance | book launch at Varia

week 5 (13 Feb - 19 Feb)

week 6 (20 Feb - 26 Feb) = study week!

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week 7 (27 Feb - 5 Mar) = spring break!

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