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'''AccAcc''' (from '''Accumulate Accelerate''') is a variable time unit synchronising the activities at '''Fage not Pound'''. The duration of an (1) AccAcc is directly influenced by the amount of visitor present in the space and gauged by a traffic counter at the entrance. <br>
'''AccAcc''' (from '''Accumulate Accelerate''') is a variable time unit synchronising the activities at '''Fage not Pound'''. The duration of an (1) AccAcc is directly influenced by the amount of visitor present in the space and gauged by a traffic counter at the entrance. <br>

When the space is empty, the time unit is considered "dormant" and therefore called "'''AccAccDull'''". By default, an (1) AccAccDull equals one (1) second (the base unit of time in the International System of Units (SI)). <br>
When the space is empty, the time unit is considered "dormant" and therefore called "'''AccAccDull'''". By default, an (1) AccAccDull equals one (1) [ second] (the base unit of time in the [ International System of Units] (SI)). <br>

An AccAccDull becomes an AccAcc at the moment of its activation. The said activation happens when a person enters the space and presses the button. Each time a visitor enters, the AccAcc's value is multiplied by 1,1. Thus, as the space gets crowded, the span of an AccAcc decreases exponentially, allowing time to pass faster. <br>
An AccAccDull becomes an AccAcc at the moment of its activation. The said activation happens when a person enters the space and is invited to press a button. Each time a visitor enters, the AccAcc's value is multiplied by 1,1. Thus, as the space gets crowded, the span of an AccAcc decreases exponentially, allowing time to pass faster. <br>

<code>[code]</code> <br>
<code>[code]</code> <br>

Revision as of 16:21, 20 March 2022


Fage not Pound (FNP) was a temporary bar where visitors were invited to actively reflect upon the blurred boundary between leisure and labour. FNP was itself hosted by Page not Found (PNF)[1], an art book shop in Den Haag (The Netherlands). Fage not Pound opened on the 25th of March 2022 from 18:00 to 21:00 (UTC +1) but its existence lasted much longer in AccAcc (FNP's local time unit). Fage not Pound was imagined to host the official launch of This Box Found You For A Reason (Special Issue #17) a publication by XPUB1. [elaborate/link]


An Open letter to Ourselves

Before launching the bar and the publication, XPUB1 already had worked on the Special Issue (Special Issue 16 - Learning How to Walk While Catwalking) at the Piet Zwart Institute, Willem de Kooning Academy, located in Rotterdam (the Netherlands). On the 2nd March 2022, while working on Special Issue 17, XPUB1 wrote a letter[2] to themselves as a reminder of --. This letter was intended to focus on ---. In searching for a healthy way of working together ---.

Divided into Teams

Team #1
Team #2
Team #3
Editorial Team

25th March 2022

On the 25th of March 2022, FNP hosted the launching of the publication titled, "This Box Found You For A Reason". The launching event attracted around 300 visitors (estimated visitor/the number of the button clicked)
1. Invitation text

A promotional flyer desgined by Emma Prato


If we sell all the LB on the 25th then write about that. If not, write where people can order/get it.

Description of the event (retrospective narration)

Flow chart
Sepp's talk
The "Big Reveal"

Timeline of the event

Time Notes
Opening 18:00 (UTC+1)
--:-- (AccAcc)
The talk by Platform BK (Sepp Eckenhaussen & Koen Bartijn) 19:00 - 20:00 (UTC+1)
--:-- (AccAcc)
--- / maybe a link of the talk & recordings
Big Reveal 20:00 (UTC+1)
--:-- (AccAcc)
Closing 21:00 (UTC+1)
--:-- (AccAcc)

Navigation of the space

Fage not Pound is organised as a loop with separate, yet neighbouring, entrance and exit doors. To navigate the space, visitors are offered to follow a flowchart (on floor signage). [add pictures of signage]
After passing the entrance door, the first question occurs: "Do you have time?". When visitors answer 'YES', they are redirected to the main room and become players. In the case they say no, they are invited to follow the "short track" and are redirected to a private booth.

         "Do you have time?"
              /    \
            YES     NO
            /        \
           /  (redirected to 'short track')  
  "Do you want to pause?"
        /          \
      YES           NO
      /              \
(redirected     (redirected to main room)
to bathroom)
                          "Do you want to exit?"
                                /      \
                              YES       NO 
                              /          \
               (redirected to exit)  (redirected to main room)

Short track

As a visitor with limited time, it is possible to have a glimpse of "This Box Found You For A Reason" in a private booth located right after the entrance of Fage not Pound. The space is available for individual experience at any time before the scheduled launch of the publication, after consultation, it is possible to purchase the item.
If time suddenly allows the visitor, it is always possible to join the long track after having experienced the short track.
Any publication sold before the official launch time will be sealed in an opaque bag.

[Add one picture later]

Long track

A visitor who wishes to follow the long track will reach the main room to become a player. Before entering the room, the player presses the button, gets a ticket and an empty name tag.

The name tag is for the player to write down one's chosen avatar name which will last for the entire event. And the ticket is a clue to solve the crossword puzzle at the bar to get a drink.

The player can freely walk around the room, browse displayed books related to the topic "Productive Play", read descriptions on the wall, hang out with other players, solve the crossword puzzles at the FNP bar, and participate in the talk by the Platform BK (Sepp Eckenhaussen & Koen Bartijn). After the talk, the big reveal follows. After the reveal, the first purchase of the publication will be streamed online.

The following is just an example:
After the talk, the AccAcc reach to the moment of Big Reveal. Everyone was excited for the moment to come. It reminded me of the New Year. Players and bar tendors started to count down. And Voila, there it was! The box...!

—(Avartar Name) recalling the Big Reveal of This Box Found You For A Reason


The Welcome Leaflet

What is its concept, content, purpose, how is it used.

AccAcc, Fage not Pound's variable time unit

AccAcc (from Accumulate Accelerate) is a variable time unit synchronising the activities at Fage not Pound. The duration of an (1) AccAcc is directly influenced by the amount of visitor present in the space and gauged by a traffic counter at the entrance.

When the space is empty, the time unit is considered "dormant" and therefore called "AccAccDull". By default, an (1) AccAccDull equals one (1) second (the base unit of time in the International System of Units (SI)).

An AccAccDull becomes an AccAcc at the moment of its activation. The said activation happens when a person enters the space and is invited to press a button. Each time a visitor enters, the AccAcc's value is multiplied by 1,1. Thus, as the space gets crowded, the span of an AccAcc decreases exponentially, allowing time to pass faster.


[video of projected AccAcc]

Fage not Pound's program, expressed in AccAccs, is directly influenced by the amount of visitors, events are most likely to take place earlier when the space gets crowded.

FNP, a space for social friction

The clock goes faster when more people get in to, by the end of the event, access the loot box.

The crossword definitions are solved faster when more people get in (and take something from the bar) to, by the end of the event, access the loot box.

Short history, intention, purpose

FNP was said to inspire others who experience the blurred boundary between labour and leisure or work in the field of art and publication industries to reflect on their experiences. Especially in the cultural industry, a bar or the launch event is where people not only ----. a Productive Play Environment.

The Crossword Game emerged to reflect on some of the main topics (slow-thinking, delayed rewarding, gamification processes, competition, individuality, productive environment) in a gamified way.

There was a time when...

The player will:

1. Complete a puzzle to create a word, therefore to play a game to obtain a drink, instead of having a need and satisfying it immediately. It is a critic of loot boxes philosophy and serves to slow the pace down because the players can't get the drink immediately (delayed-reward and slow-thinking).

2. By the end of the event, the public will have produced a collective work, a big crossword made by everyone in the room. It's a way to create interaction and criticise the videogames world that produces a lot of individuality and competition. Instead, this method invites the player to embrace collectivity and inclusivity.

Starting a game session

"Hello Player and Welcome! You are now starting a new game session and before you get in I have some information to give you.

You are now entering a Productive Play Environment: this is a space where things happen differently than in the real world. You are obviously free to walk around, interact with others and pause the game if you need a break (you will find an exit door at the end of the room **indicate the exit door**). One thing that is different at "Fage Not Pound" is the payment method: to be able to obtain refreshments from the bar you will have to solve one of the clues inside of this bowl at the crosswords you will find at the counter. On this piece of paper, you will find the title of the crossword the clue you picked is part of, the clue and the position of the clue in that crossword. Go to the counter whenever you want during the evening and play the game! There, they will explain to you more in detail the game's rules.

But before you go, please choose an Avatar Name for this game session, write it on one of these tags and stick it on yourself. Plus, pick a clue from the lottery bowl and enjoy the evening! If you have any concerns or doubts, there are moderators around the room that are constantly available to answer your questions. And remember to have fun!"

Experienced Currency in FNP

"Hello player *AvatarName*, I welcome you at Fage Not Pound, a bar where leisure and productivity start to blur. At Fage Not Pound there is a rule: you can't get a drink whenever you want. Before you can access the beverages, you have to solve the clue you received at the entrance.

I will explain you a bit the rules. This is not a normal crossword, so do not expect to be able to solve the definition following the typical crossword methodologies. At "Fage Not Pound", we invite our visitors to slow the pace down, take their time to play the game and remember, the aim is not to solve the clue the faster, but to understand and reflect while doing it. This game will help you to learn more about Productivity, Leisure, Gamification, Predatory Schemes, and Ideologies. You can think about it, come back later, do it now, and when you are ready, you can take one of these markers and write in the word.

If you need help, we are here for you!"

The Talk by Platform BK and XPUB1

[Maybe the LB price can go underneath this section..?]

"This Box Found You For A Reason"

1. Short history (context)

2. The content (letter or intro?)
3. The teams (work division/methods)/ Colophon

4. The box itself (Link to team 2' wiki page?)

upload image after the reveal

5. The price explained

/ (LATER / an image of the price sticker as well)
Cost of production in detail
Cost of labour in detail
% to PNF
% to XPUB
Benefit? Yes/no why?
Cost of the LB in euros


[Add pictures later]

See Also


Page Not Found and XPUB, Supisara Burapachaisri, Mitsa Chaida, Kimberley Cosmilla, Erica Gargaglione, Carmen Gray, Jian Haake, Chaeyoung Kim, Francesco Luzzana, Ål Nik (Alexandra Nikolova), Lídia Pereira (ed.), Emma Prato, Gersande Schellinx and Miriam Schöb.


  1. [1]This Box Found You For A Reason — XPUB Special Issue #17 launch.
  2. [2], an open letter to ourselves.