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==Chapter 2: Personalisation & Dark Patterns==
==Chapter 2: Personalisation & Dark Patterns==
[1200 words]
[2000 words]

Revision as of 18:53, 11 November 2021

Thesis outline proposal to be submitted by Louisa Friederike Teichmann in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the final examination for the Master Experimental Publishing, 2022.

Draft, 15th November 2021.


[150-200 words]

If we were living in a simulation, there wouldn't be so many commercials.

In this thesis I will document the process of building a location-based game. The topic revolves around personalised, location-based targeted content under the veil of ludification. By analysing novelty game formats like Alternate Reality Games and Escape Games, and connecting them to methods of targeted advertisement, I am building a networked narrative through augmentation and modification of physical spaces. Idea of shared geographical markers.


[500 words]

I am drifting in and out of a parallel state. I am getting better and worse at the same time. I have started to become overly aware of the funnel through which I am experiencing my surroundings, blinders encoded into my perception. The bottle falls, the dream is over. I am in the same space in a new timeline. The dreamer wanders through bridging fields. Consciousness has grabbed you by your hair and pulled you out of the dense swamp of non-linear experience, to hang you on to the threads of time to dry. How many dimensions have been stripped from you?

Frustrating experience as child of telling reality and dreams apart, core interest in making people doubt if something is real or part of a fiction to feel less isolated in experience. Creating games in order to activate people and change their state of mind and experience of their environment. Looking closely, everything could be a potential hint. Building on research of text-adventures and targeted advertisement. Making use of the group present and the things everyone could contribute to the game experience instead of making them passive spectators of a work.

Subconscious Drifting

- in PTSD sensation of being a character, arms not belonging to you, like in a video game. Dissociation - Sleepwalking being able to move around in a real space without too much issues since the geographical markers are the same, sharing the same space. walking down long stairs

Chapter 1: Navigating Invisible Borders

[1200 words]

Invisible Borders

Video Game techniques of hiding the map borders

VR, geographical markers translated into fictional environment to make sure players are not walking against walls or outside of playing field. wall could look like abyss

subnautica, part of storyline why area is not reachable The Case Against Reality ~ Donald Hoffman

Location-based Games

Alternate Reality Games

This is not a Game ~ Dave Szulborski interest in mystery, collective storytelling/networked narrative. building a small ecosystem for storyline.

Blast Theory

Escape Games

automated puzzles, unlocking, methods of gameplay, progressive storyline, immersion.

Tomo Kihara: Escape the Smart City (MA project 2018)

Roos Groothuizen: I want to delete it all, but not now

Chapter 2: Personalisation & Dark Patterns

[2000 words]

Location-based advertisement


Dark Patterns

Interactive Fiction meets Surveillance Capitalism

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism ~ Shoshana Zuboff

problems identifying where is thesis and where is personal project make difference clear, finding elements that are still not known instead of finding references to things already known.

wikipedia: Geographical and location-based targeting This type of advertising involves targeting different users based on their geographic location. IP addresses can signal the location of a user and can usually transfer the location through ZIP codes.[5] Locations are then stored for users in static profiles, thus advertisers can easily target these individuals based on their geographic location. A location-based service (LBS) is a mobile information service which allows spatial and temporal data transmission and can be used to an advertiser's advantage.[26] This data can be harnessed from applications on the device that allow access to the location information.[27] This type of targeted advertising focuses on localizing content, for example, a user could be prompted with options of activities in the area, for example, places to eat, nearby shops, etc. Although producing advertising off consumer's location-based services can improve the effectiveness of delivering ads, it can raise issues with the user's privacy.[28]


Main article: Behavioral retargeting Retargeting is where advertisers use behavioral targeting to produce ads that follow users after users have looked at or purchased a particular item. An example of this is store catalogs, where stores subscribe customers to their email system after a purchase hoping that they draw attention to more items for continuous purchases. The main example of retargeting that has earned a reputation from most people is ads that follow users across the web, showing them the same items that they have looked at in the hope that they will purchase them. Retargeting is a very effective process; by analysing consumers activities with the brand they can address their consumers' behavior appropriately.[57]

Chapter 3: The Game

Forming a progressive storyline

[800 words]

Geographical markers connect alternate spaces

[800 words]

Playing the game results in subtle changes in public spaces of city

[800 words]

Game adapting to the way its being played

[800 words]

Play Tests

[1000 words]


28th November The Overkill Festival


[500 words]

I am planning to review the different game methods I have tested and applied and in what ways they have supported the progression of the narrative through lived experience. Based on the results of this analysis I will suggest areas of improvement and propose a future set-up of the game. Based on my research on methods of location-based advertisement, I will formulate my vision of its potential and dangers, picturing a ludified smart city and celebrate ways of dancing on the structures of its system.



This is not a Game ~ Dave Szulborski

The Case Against Reality ~ Donald Hoffman

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism ~ Shoshana Zuboff

Space Time Play







Blast Theory: Can you see me now? 2001 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Can_You_See_Me_Now%3F

Tomo Kihara: Escape the Smart City (MA project 2018)

Roos Groothuizen: I want to delete it all, but not now. 2021

Further Reading


Emilia Tapprest (curation/filming/stagesetting)


Frederik de Bleser (proximity app)

Edwin Dertien (automated puzzles)

Naveen Setty (roboticist)

Tomo Kihara

Roos Groothuizen

Queer Arcana

Dungeons & Dragons mixed with immersive theatre


I Am The Dungeon Master

Ultimate Dragon

Climb the Firewall
