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Third Day

Critique on the annotators of sentiment analysis/ pedophilia classifier
Computational Linguistics & Psycholinguistics
subjectivity is at the root of things, however it seems to be taken as matter-of-fact
marketing value
making things visible
there is no date of the assessment, no way of finding out more details about the annotation process.
not a process of annotation, but a process of evaluation
feedback loops: analysis while typing
Otlet’s text; progressive at the time it came out, colonialist, racist(??-writing from memory) now
1984-a book being referenced a lot without previous knowledge of it, how is it influencing the current discourse
Guy de Pauw, Walter Daelemans, Tom De Smedt

-Chomsky’s work on linguistics: language acquisition device.
-extracting knowledge from data

W D Gann
Natural language processing
most information is in unstructured data (text)
data in digital form
big data (too big to handke with conventional means)

>90% of currently available data was created in the last 2 years

Problems: accuracy levels, speed, fundamental problems (form-meaning relation, semantics, world knowledge)

Words for the annotator
1 objective knowledge (machine reading): recognising which word types are used
2 subjective knowledge: sentiment, opinion, emotion, modality, (un)certainty. especially with the advent of social media
3 meta knowledge: authorship, author attributes (educational level,age,gender,personality,region,illness), text attributes (date of writing,..): of the, on the, has been
tf IDF

-mild vs inflammatory
-oriented vs disoriented
Schwartz HA Eichstaedt JC 2013 Personality, Gender, and Language in the age of Social Media - controversial
women using more pronouns, men use more determiners and quant ors
-relational language - women
-informative language - men
Lexical / morphological, syntactic reasons for bad translations
ambiguity. example: snappy little girl’s school, adding only in a sentence, all students know two languages (the same languages?)
paraphrase. inference.
ex. The mayors prohibited the students to demonstrate because they preached the revolution (who is they?)
Language processing pipeline: text input to meaning output
Deep Understanding
text input —>
lemmatization (reducing words to their meaning in the dictionary)
part-of-speech tagging: determining what meaning/types of words they are
shallow parsing (who is doing what to whom)
word sense disambiguation (ex bank)
semantic role labelling
named-entity recognition
co-reference resolution
—>meaning output
Text mining (shallow understanding)
contents: extract facts (concepts and relations between concepts) and opinions
Text mining (Marti Hearst 2003)
Don Swanson 1981: medical hypothesis generation
example: deception
not everyone is equally successful in deceiving others
Liars use, fewer exclusive words, fewer self and other references, fewer time related words, fewer tentative  words, more space related words, more motion verbs, more negations, more negative and positive emotions
Cornell University study (Ott et al 2011)
Human judges fail to make the distinction (truth bias), low inter annotator agreement, 2 out of 3 perform at chance level, classifier succeeds (90% accurate). cues: more superlatives, deceptive: imaginative rather than informative language
however. there are more than 1 differentiations between the text sources
Text categorisation Documents —> Documents—>classes                                  —>text classifier
                                                                            —>linguistically analysed data    —>text classifier
looking at what defines an author, and not what he writes about
Hans Moravec diagram
Sentiment mining
sentiment lexicon, classifiers and annotation
SAS, R, Python
from pattern.web import Twitter
from pattern.en import sentiment
for tweet in Twitter(language=“en”).search(“#obama”):
print tweet.text
csp files
data sheet functionality of pattern
ex: predict the sentiment polarity, predict the position of a face
training document, class event, bag-of-words
word bigrams,
character trigrams. example: wrong spelling of “exellent”: exe, xel, ell, len, ent
word lemmas
tokenization: Goed!=goed+!
Annotation=gold standard
online learning option
annotation process
concept clusters
Deep Learning
Based on neural networks
encode world knowledge into our vocabulary
word2vec (not deep learning, same principle, similar additional increase) - application
applications: language technology, speech technology, image recognition, recommender systemen
from pattern.web import PDF
from pattern.en import sentiment, parse
from pattern.db import Datasheet
ds = Datasheet()
f = open('Bible.pdf')
pdf = PDF(f)
ds.append((pdf.string, 'Bible'))
f = open('quran.pdf')
pdf = PDF(f)
ds.append((pdf.string, 'Quran'))'bible_quran.csv')
print 'saved!'
from pattern.web import URL, plaintext
from pattern.vector import Document, NB, KNN, SLP, SVM, POLYNOMIAL
from pattern.db import csv
from pattern.en import parse
import math
# classifier = SVM(kernel=POLYNOMIAL, degree=10)
classifier = SVM()
print 'TRAINING:'
for text, book in csv('bible_quran_torah.csv'):
        length = len(text)
        # part_len = int(math.floor(length/10))
        # print book
        # # print part_len
        # for i in xrange(1,10):
        #        print i
        #        s = text[i*part_len : i*part_len + part_len]
        #        v = Document(parse(s, tokenize=True, lemata=True, tags=False, relations=False, chunks=False), type=book, stopwords=True)
        #        classifier.train(v)
        v = Document(parse(text, tokenize=True, lemata=True, tags=False, relations=False, chunks=False), type=book, stopwords=True)
print 'CLASSES:',classifier.classes
print 'RESULTS\n======'
return_discrete = True
print "OBAMA"
s = open("speech_obama.txt").read().replace('\n','')
s = parse(plaintext(s), tokenize=True, lemata=True, tags=False, relations=False, chunks=False)
print classifier.classify(Document(s), discrete=return_discrete)
print "OSAMA"
s = open("speech_osama.txt").read().replace('\n','')
s = parse(plaintext(s), tokenize=True, lemata=True, tags=False, relations=False, chunks=False)
print classifier.classify(Document(s), discrete=return_discrete)
print "MALCOLM X"
s = open("speech_malcolmx").read().replace('\n','')
s = parse(plaintext(s), tokenize=True, lemata=True, tags=False, relations=False, chunks=False)
print classifier.classify(Document(s), discrete=return_discrete)
print "ANITA"
s = open("essay_anita.txt").read().replace('\n','')
s = parse(plaintext(s), tokenize=True, lemata=True, tags=False, relations=False, chunks=False)
print classifier.classify(Document(s), discrete=return_discrete)
print "POPE"
s = open("speech_pope.txt").read().replace('\n','')
s = parse(plaintext(s), tokenize=True, lemata=True, tags=False, relations=False, chunks=False)
print classifier.classify(Document(s), discrete=return_discrete)
s = open("speech_netanyahu.txt").read().replace('\n','')
s = parse(plaintext(s), tokenize=True, lemata=True, tags=False, relations=False, chunks=False)
print classifier.classify(Document(s), discrete=return_discrete)
s = open("speech_luther-king.txt").read().replace('\n','')
s = parse(plaintext(s), tokenize=True, lemata=True, tags=False, relations=False, chunks=False)
print classifier.classify(Document(s), discrete=return_discrete)
s = open("cqrrelations.txt").read().replace('\n','')
s = parse(plaintext(s), tokenize=True, lemata=True, tags=False, relations=False, chunks=False)
print classifier.classify(Document(s), discrete=return_discrete)

Latest revision as of 12:53, 27 January 2015


Computational Linguistics & Psycholinguistics

Guy de Pauw, Walter Daelemans, Tom De Smedt

-Chomsky’s work on linguistics: language acquisition device. -extracting knowledge from data

Natural language processing most information is in unstructured data (text) data in digital form big data (too big to handke with conventional means)

>90% of currently available data was created in the last 2 years

Problems: accuracy levels, speed, fundamental problems (form-meaning relation, semantics, world knowledge)

1 objective knowledge (machine reading): recognising which word types are used 2 subjective knowledge: sentiment, opinion, emotion, modality, (un)certainty. especially with the advent of social media 3 meta knowledge: authorship, author attributes (educational level,age,gender,personality,region,illness), text attributes (date of writing,..): of the, on the, has been tf IDF

Schwartz HA Eichstaedt JC 2013 Personality, Gender, and Language in the age of Social Media - controversial

women using more pronouns, men use more determiners and quant ors -relational language - women -informative language - men

Lexical / morphological, syntactic reasons for bad translations ambiguity. example: snappy little girl’s school, adding only in a sentence, all students know two languages (the same languages?) paraphrase. inference. ex. The mayors prohibited the students to demonstrate because they preached the revolution (who is they?)

Language processing pipeline: text input to meaning output Deep Understanding text input —> tokenization/normalization lemmatization (reducing words to their meaning in the dictionary) part-of-speech tagging: determining what meaning/types of words they are shallow parsing (who is doing what to whom) modality/negation word sense disambiguation (ex bank) semantic role labelling named-entity recognition co-reference resolution —>meaning output

Text mining (shallow understanding) contents: extract facts (concepts and relations between concepts) and opinions meta-data

Text mining (Marti Hearst 2003) Don Swanson 1981: medical hypothesis generation

example: deception

not everyone is equally successful in deceiving others

Liars use, fewer exclusive words, fewer self and other references, fewer time related words, fewer tentative words, more space related words, more motion verbs, more negations, more negative and positive emotions

Cornell University study (Ott et al 2011)

Human judges fail to make the distinction (truth bias), low inter annotator agreement, 2 out of 3 perform at chance level, classifier succeeds (90% accurate). cues: more superlatives, deceptive: imaginative rather than informative language however. there are more than 1 differentiations between the text sources

Text categorisation Documents —> Documents—>classes —>text classifier

                                                                           —>linguistically analysed data    —>text classifier

looking at what defines an author, and not what he writes about Hans Moravec diagram

Sentiment mining sentiment lexicon, classifiers and annotation

SAS, R, Python

from pattern.web import Twitter from pattern.en import sentiment

for tweet in Twitter(language=“en”).search(“#obama”): print tweet.text csp files data sheet functionality of pattern

Classifiers: ex: predict the sentiment polarity, predict the position of a face

training document, class event, bag-of-words word bigrams, character trigrams. example: wrong spelling of “exellent”: exe, xel, ell, len, ent word lemmas tokenization: Goed!=goed+!

Annotation=gold standard

online learning option

annotation process

concept clusters

Deep Learning Based on neural networks encode world knowledge into our vocabulary queen=king-man+woman

word2vec (not deep learning, same principle, similar additional increase) - application applications: language technology, speech technology, image recognition, recommender systemen


CODE 1: from pattern.web import PDF from pattern.en import sentiment, parse from pattern.db import Datasheet

ds = Datasheet()

f = open('Bible.pdf') pdf = PDF(f) ds.append((pdf.string, 'Bible'))

f = open('quran.pdf') pdf = PDF(f) ds.append((pdf.string, 'Quran'))'bible_quran.csv')

print 'saved!'

CODE 2: from pattern.web import URL, plaintext from pattern.vector import Document, NB, KNN, SLP, SVM, POLYNOMIAL from pattern.db import csv from pattern.en import parse import math

  1. classifier = SVM(kernel=POLYNOMIAL, degree=10)

classifier = SVM()

print 'TRAINING:' for text, book in csv('bible_quran_torah.csv'):

       length = len(text)
       # part_len = int(math.floor(length/10))
       # print book
       # # print part_len
       # for i in xrange(1,10):
       #         print i
       #         s = text[i*part_len : i*part_len + part_len]
       #         v = Document(parse(s, tokenize=True, lemata=True, tags=False, relations=False, chunks=False), type=book, stopwords=True)
       #         classifier.train(v)
       v = Document(parse(text, tokenize=True, lemata=True, tags=False, relations=False, chunks=False), type=book, stopwords=True)

print 'CLASSES:',classifier.classes

print 'RESULTS\n======'

return_discrete = True

print "OBAMA" s = open("speech_obama.txt").read().replace('\n',) s = parse(plaintext(s), tokenize=True, lemata=True, tags=False, relations=False, chunks=False) print classifier.classify(Document(s), discrete=return_discrete)

print "OSAMA" s = open("speech_osama.txt").read().replace('\n',) s = parse(plaintext(s), tokenize=True, lemata=True, tags=False, relations=False, chunks=False) print classifier.classify(Document(s), discrete=return_discrete)

print "MALCOLM X" s = open("speech_malcolmx").read().replace('\n',) s = parse(plaintext(s), tokenize=True, lemata=True, tags=False, relations=False, chunks=False) print classifier.classify(Document(s), discrete=return_discrete)

print "ANITA" s = open("essay_anita.txt").read().replace('\n',) s = parse(plaintext(s), tokenize=True, lemata=True, tags=False, relations=False, chunks=False) print classifier.classify(Document(s), discrete=return_discrete)

print "POPE" s = open("speech_pope.txt").read().replace('\n',) s = parse(plaintext(s), tokenize=True, lemata=True, tags=False, relations=False, chunks=False) print classifier.classify(Document(s), discrete=return_discrete)

print "NETANYAHU" s = open("speech_netanyahu.txt").read().replace('\n',) s = parse(plaintext(s), tokenize=True, lemata=True, tags=False, relations=False, chunks=False) print classifier.classify(Document(s), discrete=return_discrete)

print "LUTHER KING" s = open("speech_luther-king.txt").read().replace('\n',) s = parse(plaintext(s), tokenize=True, lemata=True, tags=False, relations=False, chunks=False) print classifier.classify(Document(s), discrete=return_discrete)

print "CQRRELATIONS" s = open("cqrrelations.txt").read().replace('\n',) s = parse(plaintext(s), tokenize=True, lemata=True, tags=False, relations=False, chunks=False) print classifier.classify(Document(s), discrete=return_discrete)