User:Kim: Difference between revisions

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(7 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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| [[User:Kim/Stations, Skills, Resources| Stations, Skills, Resources]] || new section: on documentation
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| SI 26 || added: [[User:Kim/Special Issue 26/Inspector Extensions| Inspector Extensions]]
| SI 26 || added: [[User:Kim/Special Issue 26/Inspector Extensions| Inspector Extensions]]
|- style="border: 2px dotted black;"
| Sounds of making (SI25) || start documenting/ archiving <br>[[User:Kim/Special Issue 1/Tracing Networks Backwards|Tracing Networks Backwards]]
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| words (glossary) || added "verbs" section
| words (glossary) || added "verbs" section
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[[User:Kim/reading/A Reflective Conversation with Materials]]
[[User:Kim/reading/A Reflective Conversation with Materials]]

=== 03/24/25 ===
Questions for Miriam Suzanne:
* reading 'tech continues to be political' and really much resonating with it, how do you then deal with speaking at events that are largely exclusive and funded by google?
* involvement in css working group and sass? how does this go together? (I am surprised to see the two so 'close', how come they aren't just one?)
* On your website ([ here]) you describe css with "By separating the presentation style from the content, CSS simplifies Web authoring and site maintenance."
* to what extend is your work (as developer, speaker, writer...) informed by being part of css working group (or other way around?)
* whats your agency on the w3c css working group?
* where do new proposals for css features come from? (mostly)

Latest revision as of 22:46, 23 March 2025

this is my website: [1] [2] [3]

S i 2 6

wiki change log
subject status
Stations, Skills, Resources new section: on documentation
SI 26 added: Inspector Extensions
words (glossary) added "verbs" section
computer res new: Stations, Skills, Resources
Notes growing again



01/15/25 Methods

01/20/25 Special Issue

  • in CSS you can use script or style or even head tags and give them display: block; to display them on the page
head > * { }
style { display: block; }
  • CSS clip-path: ; for animation of shapes (svg or anchor)
paint-order: stroke;

01/22/25 Methods

critical design is self reflexive of its own practice and methods. tactical design is directed towards action. It is not so much concerned with creating new, but dealing with whats there. In this approach it stands close to ideas such as pirating or hacking, intervention and performative. Claudio mentions tactical as consequence of critical.

  • How do we move out of paralyzation that constant critique puts us in?
    • share
    • talk, discuss, converse
    • work collectively (puts the pressure away from the individual)
    • accept that we all live and act in a capitalist system (this does not mean everything is lost)
    • re-identify yourself (designer -> artist) or have multiple identities or practices
  • individuality and collectivity are not opposed but go together and you need both

"To present this radical demand for the objective transformation of reality, to combat subjectivist immobility which would divert the recognition of oppression into patient waiting for oppression to disappear by itself, is not to dismiss the role of subjectivity in the struggle to change structures. On the contrary, one cannot conceive of objectivity without subjectivity. Neither can exist without the other, nor can they be dichotomized. The separation of objectivity from subjectivity, the denial of the latter when analyzing reality or acting upon it, is objectivism. On the other hand, the denial of objectivity in analysis or action, resulting in a subjectivism which leads to solipsistic positions, denies action itself by denying objective reality. Neither objectivism nor subjectivism, nor yet psychologism is propounded here, but rather subjectivity and objectivity in constant dialectical relationship." - Pedagogy of the Oppressed p 50, Paulo Freire

  • dialectic thesis + antithesis = synthesis

01/27/25 + 01/28/25

02/03/25 Special Issue

  • for web extension: meta tags as one style sheets: for every part make comments, explain, narrate make it usable for others
  • img { } styles cascade to alt text (when there is no img, text is styles with for example color, font-size)
  • declaration is the opposite of alt text (first is declaring style therefore creating, alt text is describing what is there)

02/04/25 Web Extension w/ Joseph

  • more ideas for web extension:
    • check on amount of dependencies (or frameworks)
    • check on filesize
    • do sth with footnotes/ citation! (maybe in wiki first?) or hyperlinks?

02/05/25 Methods: The Webs Grain

---in between---

  • web extension:
    • css stamps, status symbol (for 'empty', expiring, or styles...?)
    • css interview / conversation (they had chatty pub...)
    • css print in inspector / make every website into book?

have been thinking about inspection, specifically of interfaces – while using digital color meter to scratch some colors, what a strange tool... reacts with every window open not just the front one... . but then also the web inspector that I love. what else is there? screenshot!! (/cast - or are these the opposite of inspect? stated as „scan“ or „neglect“) —— I like the stickyness of these


  • www.etherpad .../export/txt
  • w3c timeline image: [4] (that formerly resided on the timeline pad)


Methods writing exercise Pad Fanfiction responding to The Web's Grain – Frank Chimero (whole sessions pad)


Special Issue presentations pad


assessment talk:

  • what stood out to me in the SI’s (dont explain the project) question stht arise, what was my standpoint, role
  • present si26 works in assessment - present it in a way that we can look at it
  • failures mistakes (discoveries through them or improvements)
  • present future too: references, thoughts nodal points
  • look int assessment criteria (inside handbook)
  • website from wiki page? individual wiki page for assessment 1


  • wiki timeline idea: add access to ether-pad base to allow people to add info
  • could it be interesting to have patches, individual pieces of paper instead of one huge pdf? (or a piece of thread with events attached? what part of the timeline is physical and what part is css layout?)
  • if big pdf: scrollable? (like jalousie?)
  • timetable prototype for next week
  • timeline to do: put descriptions etc into details tags to toggle, make it printable in A4 pdfs
  • extension presentation: reading, multiple roles... maybe poster of screenshots to have sth visual/ graphic + a link
  • CSS image-rendering: pixelated (or crisp or ...);


Pippin Barr Workshop day:
User:Kim/Stations, Skills, Resources/Documentation and Design Practice with Pippin Barr
User:Kim/reading/A Reflective Conversation with Materials


Questions for Miriam Suzanne:

  • reading 'tech continues to be political' and really much resonating with it, how do you then deal with speaking at events that are largely exclusive and funded by google?
  • involvement in css working group and sass? how does this go together? (I am surprised to see the two so 'close', how come they aren't just one?)
  • On your website (here) you describe css with "By separating the presentation style from the content, CSS simplifies Web authoring and site maintenance."
  • to what extend is your work (as developer, speaker, writer...) informed by being part of css working group (or other way around?)
  • whats your agency on the w3c css working group?
  • where do new proposals for css features come from? (mostly)

  1. [5] this too
  2. [6] this too
  3. [7] this too