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=== Prototyping🎶 ===
=== Prototyping🎶 ===

[[Microcontroller 101|Microcontroller->Arduino]]
====[[Microcontroller 101|Microcontroller->Arduino]]====

Experiment and play!
Experiment and play!
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[| A Cyborg Manifesto]
[ A Cyborg Manifesto]

== '''II.May''' ==
== '''II.May''' ==
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  Dérive alone in Rotterdam? Visualization?
  Dérive alone in Rotterdam? Visualization?

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Personally I enjoy being an observer, lingering in the city and I've always found something interested or eye catching details on the streets. Like the previous class we were at the mall, doing a small group observations together. I took many different photos related to patterns and shapes. My interest is to visualize those varieties of things to an artistic project. Visual stimuli often result in inspiration for my creative progress.
Personally, I enjoy being an observer, lingering in the city, and I've always found interesting or eye-catching details on the streets. Like in our previous class at the mall, where we did small group observations together, I took many different photos related to patterns and shapes. My interest lies in visualizing these varieties of things into an artistic project. Visual stimuli often inspire my creative progress.
I found the collage art is the good form to express and transform the concept of my "Loitering". No matter digital or physical materials. Collage could also become a map, visualizing concepts/documents I've created.
Also I'm interested about the relationships between apophenia and angel numbers.  

I find collage art to be a good form to express and transform the concept of my "Loitering", whether using digital or physical materials. Collage can also serve as a map, visualizing concepts and documents I've created.

Additionally, I'm intrigued by the relationships between apophenia (pareidolia) and angel numbers. This might be a topic I would like to explore further. I've experienced some fascinating spiritual moments with those "apophenia (pareidolia)".



Psychogeography, the study of the laws and precise effects of a consciously or unconsciously elaborated geographical environment acting directly on affective behavior, subsumes itself, according to Asger Jorn's definition, as the science fiction of urbanism.
Psychogeography, the study of the laws and precise effects of a consciously or unconsciously elaborated geographical environment acting directly on affective behavior, subsumes itself, according to Asger Jorn's definition, as the science fiction of urbanism.
* Radio Garden:
* Playing around with the public space through 3DP, VFX and scavenger hunting:

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Apophenia is the tendency to perceive meaningful connections between unrelated things.
Apophenia is the tendency to perceive meaningful connections between unrelated things.

The feeling of wonder and meaning associated with '''angel numbers''' can be explained by a perceptual error known as apophenia. Apophenia is the tendency to interpret random patterns as meaningful, even when there is no actual connection or significance.
For example, the feeling of wonder and meaning associated with angel numbers can be explained by a perceptual error known as apophenia.
Can we transform this into inspiration for art or other therapeutic healing methods to enhance one's happiness?
If we could find a balance between embracing and managing apophenia, could it be an interesting way to help you think more creatively?

[[File:Angel numbers.jpg|400px|thumb]]
[[File:Angel numbers.jpg|270px|right]]
[[File:A Prototype .gif|1000px|left|thumb|Prototype of imagery of apophenia ⊹ What do you see ? ⊹  ]]


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[ 11-11-11, Apophenia, and the Meaning of Life]
[ 11-11-11, Apophenia, and the Meaning of Life]
[ Cryptoforestry]
====[[Loitering_Glossary|⭑Loitering Glossary⭑]]====
❋ May.13 Night loitering ❋
[[File:Night L.001.jpg|800px|thumb|center|Evening loitering in Rotterdam south ;)]]

=== Prototyping⛸️ ===
=== Prototyping⛸️ ===
❋ May.07 ❋
[ Evil Twin Alternate reality game!]
☣'''Agent Michel'''☣ Operation Code: lootboxer
Objective: You are in charge of hiding the box of documents. Draw up an abstract map that will lead the squad right to it from the final location of the trail Agent Lorenzo and Agent Mania set up.
[[File:Evil Twin game.001.jpg|800px|thumb|center|Materials for the abstract map at the park near .Zip]]
[[File:Evil Twin game.002.jpg|800px|thumb|center|Secret process with Thijs, making an abstract + collage map for Evil Twin Squad. Also hide the mysterious box :)]]
[[PCB_etching_101#etching|★PCB etching 101★]]
[[File:PCB .jpg|500px|center]]

=== Methods⛸️ ===
=== Methods⛸️ ===

== '''III.June''' ==
== '''III.June''' ==

=== Special Issue🎶 ===
=== Special Issue🎶 ===
====Intimacy and the city====
- 神祕的親密感。那些在短暫會晤間,仍令人頓感舒適或驚喜的街道一隅,多少都有這樣的特質。
- 所以,重點在於,召喚親密性(intimacy)的場所,如何能,或何以不能,更頻繁地在街道現身?
- 親密性看似更接近私密範疇,但也不能完全等同。更好的看法或許是,親密性是一種範圍有限的社會性。相對於強調隱蔽與隔絕的私領域,親密性的重點反而是相依偎的狀態,而這種狀態若維持徹底的個人主義,則難以達成。當然,親密性也不等同於理論上通透無礙、徹底開放的公共性。
* 思考日常生活藝術的重要性
* 讓人們重新看見都市存在的意義
* 開放性(心理)
intimate public sphere
'''intimacy as infrastructure'''
Intimacy is real and felt, but it is also ephemeral, shifting, and binding. Its powerful dispossession makes it something widely coveted and also widely guarded against, and it becomes a particularly powerful tool when invoked within spatial contexts.
'''“Rethink intimacy is to appraise how we have been and how we live and how we might imagine lives that make more sense than the ones so many are living.”'''
Intimacy as an infrastructure, as a spatial determinant and an affective structure, thus has direct implications on the practice and poetics of architecture. The pressing task of the discipline must become how to generate spatial commons that confront the binary division between public and private spheres, rethinking intimacy not only as localized but as diffuse, inclusive, and multi-scalar, instrumental in creating the space of the city and in striving toward futures that embrace the intimate in its many forms.
- 為此,將親密性視為基礎設施也是有生產力的,這與高速公路連接兩個城市但分隔一個景觀,或管道能夠傳輸水或廢物的方式相似。親密性是真實且能感受到的,但它也是短暫、變動和聯結的。其強大的剝奪性使其成為廣泛渴求的對象,同時也被廣泛防範,當在空間上下文中引用它時,它成為一個特別強大的工具。布萊恩·拉金認為基礎設施是政治和詩意的裝置,他將其定位為“創造其他物體運行基礎的對象,當它們這樣做時,它們就作為系統運行”。
- 親密性成為日常生活和個人情感的無形貨幣。基於對親密性的理解,勞倫·貝蘭特斷言,“重新思考親密性就是評估我們如何生活以及如何想像比許多人當前生活更合理的生活。”
- 作為基礎設施、空間決定因素和情感結構的親密性,因而對建築的實踐和詩意具有直接影響。該學科的緊迫任務必須成為如何創造面對公共和私人領域二元分割的空間公地,重新思考親密性不僅僅是本地化的,而是分散的、包容的和多尺度的,對於創造城市空間和追求擁抱多種形式親密的未來至關重要。
[ The Image of the City - Kevin Lynch]
[ Rethinking Intimacy and the City - Alexandra Pereira-Edwards]
[ 親密感的基礎設施:公私交錯的街巷生活]
[ An Eye for Community 東京 – 台北 社區交往 – Tokyo – Taipei Transitions]
[ City type Hong Kong 城市字記]
[ Eyes on Place 眼底城市:開創公共性,增加人與人的交流]
[[File:MD.jpg|900px|thumb|center|Moodboard for the public art/space/installation related to intimacy. ]]
[[File:Net.jpg|900px|thumb|center|The mosquito net reference for the public art/space/installation related to intimacy.]]
[ 42m of intimacy intervention in public space]
[ Happy installation in New York]
[ The AMP Artworks complete with Ribbon of Light Installation]
====꧁ IntimaCity ꧂====
'''INTIMACITY''' is an installation art piece that explores the relationship between people and the intimacy of the city. It blurs the boundaries and distinction of public and private spaces.
The installation is composed of a semi-transparent mesh mosquito net, stitched together with various materials and fabrics. One section of the net has a hollow opening designed for people to experience observing in a city/public area while maintaining a hint of privacy/intimacy. This setup might provide new perspectives or sources of inspiration and encourage contemplation on the importance of art in everyday life.
Lauren Berlant once wrote, “Rethink intimacy is to appraise how we have been and how we live and how we might imagine lives that make more sense than the ones so many are living." Here, I want to invite you to explore the possibilities of intimacy within this city with me.
INTIMACITY 是一個探討人與城市親密感之間的關聯的裝置藝術。它模糊了公共空間與私密空間的邊界與定義。
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🎶 Part I. '''Mosquito net in the city''' - an Installation hanging at different places in Rotterdam, letting people experience the mysterious intimacy and rethinking about their relationships with the city.
[[File:Final.001.jpg|900px|thumb|center|Processes of making mosquito net installation and booklet.]]
[[File:Final.002.jpg|900px|thumb|center|June 27th the exhibition opening at Slash Gallery.]]
[[File:Final.003.jpg|900px|thumb|center|June 29th, first day of the installation at the park. Actually Thijs was the only one person came here (also helping me hang a mosquito net), so we had a picnic and talked about the intimacy :)]]
[[File:Final.004.jpg|900px|thumb|center|June 30th, the second day. Ada, Leslie, Anita, Kiki and Pien were here. It was such a sweet and touched day to see people reading zine in this installation.]]
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🎶 Part. I.I '''A Map to the mosquito place in the city''' - guide people from the Slash Gallery
[[File:IC map.jpg|800px|frameless|center]]
[[File:QR CODE.png|400px|frameless|center]]
<div style= "color:#b6789d";>
🎶 Part II. '''Zine and Website (for personal feedback)''' - share about personal experience, photos, thoughts regarding intimacy and the city.
[ ❣︎ Website: Share your thoughts with me❣︎]

=== Prototyping🎶 ===
=== Prototyping🎶 ===
====[[Vape_Hacking|☣Vape Hacking☣]]====

=== Methods🎶 ===
=== Methods🎶 ===

Latest revision as of 10:11, 23 July 2024



Special Issue🎶

❋ ON LOITERING and other forms of in-situ computation ❋

The joy of living in a city?

On April 15th, we were at the Zuidplein Public Library, conducting observations around the area. I stayed in the shopping mall with Wang and Victor, who were next to the library. I noticed I'm easily captivated by unique shapes and prints. It was a peaceful observation time as I sat on the bench and watched people walking around. After that, I lingered in the shopping mall for a while. Sometimes I feel insecure when people just stand around, which reminded me of the article we read in the first Monday class, "Why Loiter? Women and Risk on Mumbai Streets."

However, the struggle against violence and the quest for pleasure cannot be separate things. The quest for pleasure actually strengthens our struggle against violence, framing it in the language of right rather than protection. The 'right to pleasure' must always include 'the right to live without violence'.

Screen shot from the "Why Loiter? Women and Risk on Mumbai Streets" by Shilpa Phadke & Sameera Khan & Shilpa Ranade

There are 3 lists I've made with two different methods to observe things. Shapes, patterns/prints. To me, I'm passionate about visualize things and create weird and wonderful combination thought this process :)

Different interesting shapes in the mall

Patterns that I found


  • white rectangle blocks on the ceiling
  • yellow double circle shape window on the door where you can see outside
  • Black & white chicken head shape store sign
  • Double circle of store sign with green light
  • Strange shape banana boat plate and ice cream on a menu
  • Flower shape button
  • Black & white arrow store sign


  • Weird poses models, raising their hands that look like a line pattern
  • The closing door - has horizontal and vertical line patterns
  • The metal on the ground
  • Optical store sign

⭑People wearing patterns, walking in the mall:

  • A baby girl with grey and orange flowers pattern
  • A woman with b&w check long coat
  • A girl with b&w dots T shirt
  • A grandma with flowers pattern print shirt
  • A woman brings a leopard tote bag
  • A flower patterns of lamp at Meeting point
  • A zebra print with yellow light at Meeting point
  • A girl wears blue and white stripe pants
  • A person wears yellow snake skin pattern flare pants

Things I have connections with on the street near Blaak area: Lavender transparent fabric covered on the construction building and Wabi-Sabi aesthetic mottled ceiling.


❋ Apr.22 ❋

I. outside: Eixogen (location-based game) trail demo by Louisa

II. Trying others scripts and loitering:

⭑Prototype walk scripts:

T = Time 
L = Linger,loitering
C = counting shapes/patterns
1 = turn right
2 = turn left
3 = go straight 
M = relax
T = 15;
L = 3;
C = 5;
If (T < 15, C == 5, 1 + 1 + 3 = M) {
If (T=15, C == 8, 2 + 2 + 2 = M ) {
Else if (M == 3) {

Me and Zuzu found a tranquil trail when we were participating the Eixogen game at Rotterdam, Beukelsbrug / Van Nellefabriek bus stop.




Experiment and play!

Ex 1.jpg Ex 2.jpg Ex 3.jpg Ex 4.jpg Ex 5.jpg Ex 6.jpg


❋SI24 Library❋

Project that May or May not be Made (PMoMM)

꧁Project(s) That May or May Not Be Made꧂

꧁Personal readers꧂

⭑Themes I am interested into (Feminism, queerness, body politics, cyborg, post-humanism, DIY, Feminist Avant-garde, Cyber feminism, craftivism.....etc.)

A Cyborg Manifesto


Special Issue⛸️

Dérive alone in Rotterdam? Visualization?

Personally, I enjoy being an observer, lingering in the city, and I've always found interesting or eye-catching details on the streets. Like in our previous class at the mall, where we did small group observations together, I took many different photos related to patterns and shapes. My interest lies in visualizing these varieties of things into an artistic project. Visual stimuli often inspire my creative progress.

I find collage art to be a good form to express and transform the concept of my "Loitering", whether using digital or physical materials. Collage can also serve as a map, visualizing concepts and documents I've created.

Additionally, I'm intrigued by the relationships between apophenia (pareidolia) and angel numbers. This might be a topic I would like to explore further. I've experienced some fascinating spiritual moments with those "apophenia (pareidolia)".


Psychogeography, the study of the laws and precise effects of a consciously or unconsciously elaborated geographical environment acting directly on affective behavior, subsumes itself, according to Asger Jorn's definition, as the science fiction of urbanism.



我們參與的所有事情裡面,不論是否有趣,不斷尋找新的生活方式是真正令人興奮的唯一事務。美學和其他領域都已經遠不足以達成此目的,我們可以完全忽略它們。因此我們應該描述某些臨時的觀察地帶,包括觀察某些街道上偶然的和可預期的過程。 居・德波,〈都市地理學批判導論〉(Guy Debord, “Introduction to a Critique of Urban Geography”),1955

在1956年的〈飄移理論〉(Théorie de la dérive)中,德波借用了超現實主義者的郊外遊蕩,但更深入探討其中的心理作用。他在其中指出「機遇沒有我們想得那麼重要:從飄移的眼光來看,城市有其心理地理學的輪廓,有其恆常的流動,固定的定點和漩渦,強烈阻饒人們進入或是走出某些區域。」因而「飄移」是一個建構性的操作,雖然包含了隨機的機遇,但是也包含了幾項規則:參與式的決定、基於心理地理地圖,以及穿越環境單元所必須經歷的分析。

A map that captured Edinburgh’s smells on a very breezy day in 2011. Mapping smells is often linked to changes in weather conditions.

⭑Smell Map⭑

The artist Kate McLean has been trying to address these and other questions for the past seven years with her Sensory Maps project. In 2010, she began looking for ways to map landscapes based on sensory input. The first of these maps related to smell. She collected comments about smell from people in different parts of Edinburgh, and transformed that into a visualization that had this amazing link to the environment, as smell often has to do with conditions like wind direction, rain, or changes in temperature.

McLean calls such a visualization a “smellmap", which made up of colored spots and concentric lines that look like galaxies, is a visual synthesis of the different experiences reported by smellwalkers.

Situationist International

簡單來說,「情境主義國際」是一個由前衛藝術家、知識份子與政治行動者所組成的左翼國際組織。「情境主義國際」於1957年在意大利的一個小鎮成立,之後於1972年解散,其中的核心人物包括居伊·德波(Guy Debord)、拉烏爾·范內格姆(Raoul Vaneigem)等等。 上承歐洲前衛藝術對於日常生活的思考,「情境主義國際」認為現代資本主義的政治與經濟制度早已把現代社會轉變成為消費主導的「景觀社會」(The Society of Spectacle)。所謂「景觀社會」,就是一個日常生活逐漸被表象(例如大眾媒體上的影像)所取代的社會。值得注意的是,「景觀社會」的重點不在於影像的堆積,而是在於「以影像為中介的人之間的社會關係。」


情境主義者( situationists )的基本實踐之一是漂移( dérive )【字面意義:漂流】,一種穿過各種各樣周圍環境的快速旅行的方法或技巧。漂移包括幽默嬉戲的建構行為和心理地理學( psychogeographical )的感受意識,因此,是完全不同於經典的旅遊或散步概念的。


Apophenia is the tendency to perceive meaningful connections between unrelated things.

For example, the feeling of wonder and meaning associated with angel numbers can be explained by a perceptual error known as apophenia.

Can we transform this into inspiration for art or other therapeutic healing methods to enhance one's happiness? If we could find a balance between embracing and managing apophenia, could it be an interesting way to help you think more creatively?

Angel numbers.jpg
Prototype of imagery of apophenia ⊹ What do you see ? ⊹


Attempt at a Psychogeographical Description of Les Halles - Abdelhafid Khatib

Theory of the Dérive

Learning About Cities by Mapping Their Smells




11-11-11, Apophenia, and the Meaning of Life


⭑Loitering Glossary⭑

❋ May.13 Night loitering ❋

Evening loitering in Rotterdam south ;)


❋ May.07 ❋

Evil Twin Alternate reality game!

Agent Michel☣ Operation Code: lootboxer

Objective: You are in charge of hiding the box of documents. Draw up an abstract map that will lead the squad right to it from the final location of the trail Agent Lorenzo and Agent Mania set up.

Materials for the abstract map at the park near .Zip
Secret process with Thijs, making an abstract + collage map for Evil Twin Squad. Also hide the mysterious box :)

★PCB etching 101★

PCB .jpg




Special Issue🎶

Intimacy and the city

- 神祕的親密感。那些在短暫會晤間,仍令人頓感舒適或驚喜的街道一隅,多少都有這樣的特質。 這類空間有令人心嚮往之的優點:它讓人駐足、觀察,也打開了與人交往的機會。人的身體感官傾向投入這樣的環境,並且在投入的過程中,進一步賦予它一種親暱氛圍。

- 所以,重點在於,召喚親密性(intimacy)的場所,如何能,或何以不能,更頻繁地在街道現身?

- 親密性看似更接近私密範疇,但也不能完全等同。更好的看法或許是,親密性是一種範圍有限的社會性。相對於強調隱蔽與隔絕的私領域,親密性的重點反而是相依偎的狀態,而這種狀態若維持徹底的個人主義,則難以達成。當然,親密性也不等同於理論上通透無礙、徹底開放的公共性。

  • 思考日常生活藝術的重要性
  • 讓人們重新看見都市存在的意義
  • 開放性(心理)

intimate public sphere

intimacy as infrastructure

Intimacy is real and felt, but it is also ephemeral, shifting, and binding. Its powerful dispossession makes it something widely coveted and also widely guarded against, and it becomes a particularly powerful tool when invoked within spatial contexts.

“Rethink intimacy is to appraise how we have been and how we live and how we might imagine lives that make more sense than the ones so many are living.” Intimacy as an infrastructure, as a spatial determinant and an affective structure, thus has direct implications on the practice and poetics of architecture. The pressing task of the discipline must become how to generate spatial commons that confront the binary division between public and private spheres, rethinking intimacy not only as localized but as diffuse, inclusive, and multi-scalar, instrumental in creating the space of the city and in striving toward futures that embrace the intimate in its many forms.

- 為此,將親密性視為基礎設施也是有生產力的,這與高速公路連接兩個城市但分隔一個景觀,或管道能夠傳輸水或廢物的方式相似。親密性是真實且能感受到的,但它也是短暫、變動和聯結的。其強大的剝奪性使其成為廣泛渴求的對象,同時也被廣泛防範,當在空間上下文中引用它時,它成為一個特別強大的工具。布萊恩·拉金認為基礎設施是政治和詩意的裝置,他將其定位為“創造其他物體運行基礎的對象,當它們這樣做時,它們就作為系統運行”。

- 親密性成為日常生活和個人情感的無形貨幣。基於對親密性的理解,勞倫·貝蘭特斷言,“重新思考親密性就是評估我們如何生活以及如何想像比許多人當前生活更合理的生活。”

- 作為基礎設施、空間決定因素和情感結構的親密性,因而對建築的實踐和詩意具有直接影響。該學科的緊迫任務必須成為如何創造面對公共和私人領域二元分割的空間公地,重新思考親密性不僅僅是本地化的,而是分散的、包容的和多尺度的,對於創造城市空間和追求擁抱多種形式親密的未來至關重要。

The Image of the City - Kevin Lynch


Rethinking Intimacy and the City - Alexandra Pereira-Edwards


An Eye for Community 東京 – 台北 社區交往 – Tokyo – Taipei Transitions

City type Hong Kong 城市字記

Eyes on Place 眼底城市:開創公共性,增加人與人的交流

Moodboard for the public art/space/installation related to intimacy.
The mosquito net reference for the public art/space/installation related to intimacy.

42m of intimacy intervention in public space


Happy installation in New York

The AMP Artworks complete with Ribbon of Light Installation

꧁ IntimaCity ꧂

INTIMACITY is an installation art piece that explores the relationship between people and the intimacy of the city. It blurs the boundaries and distinction of public and private spaces.

The installation is composed of a semi-transparent mesh mosquito net, stitched together with various materials and fabrics. One section of the net has a hollow opening designed for people to experience observing in a city/public area while maintaining a hint of privacy/intimacy. This setup might provide new perspectives or sources of inspiration and encourage contemplation on the importance of art in everyday life.

Lauren Berlant once wrote, “Rethink intimacy is to appraise how we have been and how we live and how we might imagine lives that make more sense than the ones so many are living." Here, I want to invite you to explore the possibilities of intimacy within this city with me.

INTIMACITY 是一個探討人與城市親密感之間的關聯的裝置藝術。它模糊了公共空間與私密空間的邊界與定義。 這是由一個半透明網狀的蚊帳組成並拼接不同的材質與布料。蚊帳的某一處有一個空心的洞是為了讓人們體驗在城市/公共區域中觀察並保有一絲絲的隱密/親密性,或許能獲得新的觀點或靈感來源並思考日常生活藝術的重要性。

勞倫·貝蘭特寫過一句話,“重新思考親密性就是評估我們如何生活以及如何想像比許多人當前生活更合理的生活。” 在此我想要邀請你們與我一起在這座城市裡探索關於親密性的可能性。

🎶 Part I. Mosquito net in the city - an Installation hanging at different places in Rotterdam, letting people experience the mysterious intimacy and rethinking about their relationships with the city.

Processes of making mosquito net installation and booklet.
June 27th the exhibition opening at Slash Gallery.
June 29th, first day of the installation at the park. Actually Thijs was the only one person came here (also helping me hang a mosquito net), so we had a picnic and talked about the intimacy :)
June 30th, the second day. Ada, Leslie, Anita, Kiki and Pien were here. It was such a sweet and touched day to see people reading zine in this installation.

🎶 Part. I.I A Map to the mosquito place in the city - guide people from the Slash Gallery

IC map.jpg


🎶 Part II. Zine and Website (for personal feedback) - share about personal experience, photos, thoughts regarding intimacy and the city.








❣︎ Website: Share your thoughts with me❣︎


☣Vape Hacking☣
