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Thanks to the [[Ghostscript]] project, there are many free software tools that work with postscript and PDF.
Thanks to the [[Ghostscript]] project, there are many free software tools that work with postscript and PDF.
{{ :Typesetting_Tools }}
{{ :Typesetting_Tools }}

Revision as of 13:37, 9 February 2024

A proprietary format owned by Adobe until 2008, when it was released and relicensed as an ISO standard.



PDF & Postscript

PDF manipulating/editing tools

pdftk (the PDF toolkit)

pdfimages (part of poppler-utils)

pdfunite (part of poppler-utils)

pdftotext (part of poppler-utils)

$ pdftotext filename.pdf
$ pdftotext -layout filename.pdf (Maintain (as best as possible) the original physical layout of the text.)

pdfinfo (part of poppler-utils)

$ pdfinfo filename.pdf
$ pdfinfo -meta filename.pdf (print metadata)
$ pdfinfo -url filename.pdf (print all urls)
$ pdfinfo -dests filename.pdf (print all internal links)

pdffonts (part of poppler-utils)

rgb2cmyk.sh (using Ghostscript), part of OSP's pdfutils

coloseperation.sh (using Ghostscript), part of OSP's pdfutils

resize.sh (using Ghostscript), via OSP

imposition tools (multiple)

F/LOSS tools to make PDFs

Thanks to the Ghostscript project, there are many free software tools that work with postscript and PDF.

Canvas based (GUI)

CSS Print based (CSS Print)

P5.js based

Python based

TeX based

XML based




$ pandoc -f markdown --pdf-engine weasyprint -c stylesheet.css filename.md -o filename.pdf


$ weasyprint -s stylesheet.css filename.html filename.pdf


from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.lib.units import inch, cm
c = canvas.Canvas('ex.pdf')
c.drawImage('ar.jpg', 0, 0, 10*cm, 10*cm)

See also