User:Thijshijsijsjss/PTMoMNBM/Human Parser

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Revision as of 12:11, 9 October 2024 by Thijshijsijsjss (talk | contribs) (Add timetable)

Disclaimer: despite being lengthier, more detailed and perhaps even more ambitious in scope and captured interests, this is still a Project that May or may not be made. Don't forget that, Thijs!

A parser is an interpreting agent -- what is a 'human parser?'

A human parser is an interpreter that happens to be a human agent

A human parser is an interpreter that parses humans

A human parser makes the act of parsing, or interpreting, human

A project proposal's draft's draft in flowchart form

What do you want to make? Human Parser is a project around a Choose Your Own Adventure (CYOA) style game that is an exporation of the disassociative feelings caused by mental illness and neurodiversion. This exploration is abstract yet intimate, stemming from personal experiences of myself and others.

The gameplay content is yet to be determined, but is inspired by old text adventure and retro games. It will likely contain 2D 'pixel art' visuals. The starting point for the game is digital, but based on testing during development, elements or everything might turn physical or immaterial.

The game is accompanied by a physical game manual, providing insights into the game and adding more thematic cohesion. It might contain visuals taken and / or re-imagined from the game, guides for gameplay, behind the scenes info, but also a broader exploration of the theme through e.g. interview snippets.

Why do you want to make it? Text adventure and CYOA games are often seen as relics of the past, "obsolete" genres, but I feel like there is still a place for them. In fact, increasingly so: in the current world, everything is content, everything is moving fast, and every moment is a moment of decision. Amidst this constant overwhelming exposure, "FOMO" and analysis paralysis are symptoms characterising a generation. CYOA fundamentally opposes the idea of mass content, of experiencing it all.

One group of people who tend to struggle more in this landscape are neurodivergent people (citation needed). While the stigma surrounding this topic is slowly decreasing, it still persist. Especially in big media, representation is sparse and, if present at all, heavily stereotyped. There is room for more authentic experiences and representations. By their interactive and explorative nature, games could be a good carrier for such a conversation.

I myself feel the need for this conversation. Mental illness and neurodiversion have defined important parts of my life so far, and I often struggle with feelings of disassociation. I have started to explore these themes in previous projects, and feel like these have been just the tip of the iceberg. This project would allow me to continue the exploration of not just this theme, but also of several media of interest: gamemaking (and CYOA), printmaking (possibly involving pen plotters or web-to-print).

Moreover, I feel like a game manual -- similar in its status as 'obsolete' -- fits this project well. Firstly, thematically: neurodivergent people are often told to come with 'their manual'. What is a manual anyway, when it comes to people? Also, it fits mechanically: in the contemporary landscape of interwoven media, I see potential for it to breath new life in the CYOA genre, extending decision making beyond the digital realm and blurring the thematic and gameplay content.

I have the hopes for this project to be both an relatable experience to those struggling with disassociation themselves, and an interesting game in its own right to be enjoyed by any lover of classic videogames. This second point is important to me: the game should not just be academically interesting, but an actual worthwhile playable experience.

How do you plan to make it? Realising this project will require two interwoven phases: research and creation. Presented below is a list of methods, according to each phase. The methods listed are merely starting points. While working on this project, I expect many more questions of 'how' to pop up. I will embrace this.

Aside from these two phases, there's a writing phase that will continue throughout, and is for now not bound to specific methods, but will be listed as past of creation in the timetable that will follow.

The 'how' of research involves:
  • reading more on non-linear texts and experimental writing
  • finding and playing old text adventures
  • finding and reading some old game manuals
  • compiling a reference list of contemporary CYOA games, and contemporary games utilizing a manual as part of their core gameplay, and playing some
  • compiling a reference list of characteristic or otherwise interesting visuals, music, etc of these target games
  • investingating the social potential of CYOA, e.g. through a CYAO gamenight, by letting another human act as the terminal interface, etc
  • a general investigation of the impact of mental illness and neurodiversion, especially their relation to games and decision making, through dialogues with (who?).
  • Gain more printmaking experience, by turning the Jitterbots project into a physial publication
The 'how' of creation involves:
  • Coding, using:
    • Godot (open source game engine) and GDScript (Godot based language)
    • ZIL (ex-proprietary language used by Infocom in the '70s and '80s to create their classic text adventures)
  • Creating visuals, using:
    • Aseprite (open source drawing software aimed for pixel art and pixel level animations)
    • Krita (open source drawing software)
  • Music and SFX (if relevant): (undecided)
  • Typesetting: (undecided)
  • Printing
    • The manual could be (partially) pen plotted
    • The manual could be HTML web-to-print

What is your timetable?

Research phase Creation phase
October Gathering references through reading material broadly related

Playing classic and contemporary CYOA and retro (style) games

Compile references including texts and games and manuals

Re-familiarizing myself with Godot

Making prototypes to play with others, in particular to test at the first public moment

Compile visual styleguide

November Continue to do research, but moving towards more specific references

Create list of core reference texts and projects

Start digestive writing on these references

Decide on a format to use and create skeleton framework in this format

Refine proposal based on prototyping decisions and findings

November 4th: first public moment
November 22nd: proposal deadline
December 13th: first chapter deadline
December Reach out to possible interviewees and testers

Revisit proposal and adjust according to newfound results

Create thesis skeleton structure and write first chapter

Have tests ready

Start to extent tests towards final game

January Conduct tests and interviews Continue writing, game making

Create manual skeleton

Refine timeline for second half of the project

February Continue writing and making ...
February 14th: first draft thesis deadline
March Continue writing and making ...
March 14th: second draft thesis deadline
April Continue writing and making ...
April 18th: thesis deadline

Who can help you? Similarly to 'how', this list will surely be appended to throughout working on the project. The list below is just a starting point.

  • Steve Rushton: references for non-linear (and experimental) writing
  • Michael Murtaugh: references for text adventures and CYOA
  • Manetta Berends: references for text adventures and CYOA
  • Lídia Pereira: references for people and project in the contemporary scenes adjacent to CYOA
  • Marloes de Valk: ask about What Remains -- another retro inspired game with the aim to contribute to a modern day conversation
  • Victor Utne Stiberg: assistence with printmaking tests and general design guidance
  • Wang Ziheng: discuss music and SFX in retro videogames
  • "interviewees" or otherwise people to talk to about neurodiversion etc
  • testers (probably I will call upon my network of game design students from the UU and HKU)
  • classmates and friends to discuss, share, motivate and ground myself

Relation to previous practise

Relation to a larger context

References / bibliography