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Ale >  I inaugurate this new layer of obsessive archiving, proost to that 🥂


Thijs > I'm reading the Calvani text 'Cybernetics and Ghosts' that touches on myth and ritual for a minute. Thought you might be interested. It is part of a lecture on literature, so that's the starting point. Here's a summary:

Is literature not the struggle to escape the confines of language? The tribal storyteller puts together phrases until something never been said is captured. Myth, then, is the hidden part of every story. The part that is still unexplored, because our words are lacking to enable us to get there. Thus, we need signs and happening to venture there: rites.

Myth is a language vacuum, nourished by silence as well as by words.

He then connects this to conscious: isn't the subconscious similar to the myth? Just the region that has not yet been put into words in the conscious?