Vitrinekast'ed annotated reader/My Mother Was a Computer

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki
Type reading
Author N. Katherine Hayles
Year 2005
Date read atm
Tags annotated_reader,


Recommendation by lydia, not to push the feminist agenda but to push the feminist agenda. (The other recommendation was Technofeminism) - impact of code on everyday life.




  • Digital algorithms = language of nature
  • What is computation? Turing: Starts with a set of elements and logical operations, expands to systems & structures
  • Wolfram: cellular automata: Simple rules KISS can generate complexity → Game of life → the computational universe (life = game → everything can be reduced to rulesets & gamification
    • Is it just a metaphor that is becoming the reality or was it always in the (eco)system
  • Network centric warfare
  • Digital philosophy :world is digital instead of analog
    • And can therefore be understood as software
  • Intermediation the complex interactions between computer & physical world (not sure about this definition!)
    • Needs recursivity, complex feedback loops connect humans & machines.

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