User talk:Senka/a bas nije da nas nikad nije bilo/Godot Debugging
Hi this is Thijs!
I see there are some questions directed at me. Some are maybe better to look at together, some I can answer here!
How to do this code in the World script instead of the Portal script? > Let's look at this one together!
Can portals refer to/lead to HTML pages? (I would love to link some rooms to bitsy pages if possible) > Yes, definitely! Through the OS object, you get access to all kinds of operating system functionality. See also: To open an HTML page, for example the wiki, you could use: OS.shell_open("") Connect this to your portal, and a new window should open in your default browser! (probably in the background) One question to think about: now that the player doesn't teleport, how should this interaction be resolved in-game?
If the game is uploaded as an html page, is it better to have the menu as javascript button on top of the game (canvas item) or to have an in-game menu? Would the in-game menu access the in-game mechanism better? (Such as room change) > Without knowing the specifics, I would be inclined for an in-game menu. Some reasons: * Allows for more easy testing outside of the web export * Keeping it all in-game is a step to future-proofing it a little: * You don't know how JS / host site / the export will change * You don't know where you might want to deploy this project in the future. * I expect the data flow is easier That said, I'm sure there are also benefits to use a JS wrapper. We can talk about your purposes more to figure this out!