User:Yoana Buzova/ prototyping4

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki
  • started to make a raspberry pi prototype of a voice drop object.

presumably will turn into an object that is able to record sound (via a press of a button) and playback the last recorded sound, when someone passes close to it ( to trigger attention and eventually response) .

For now , what i have works like this. Raspberry pi with a microphone, speaker and a motion sensor. After pressing a button one can make a recording of a fixed length ( cannot figure another way to do it for no). The last recording is played when there is motion detected by the sensor. After a new recording is made, it is the one that is played back into public.

the code looks like this (with Javi's help)

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time

PIR = 23
LED = 24

pirState = False
pirVal = False
pirValButton = False

#we list the sounds folder where the sounds are stored and count them for not overwriting them
numAlreadyRecordedSounds=os.popen('ls -l sounds | wc -l').read()
print numAlreadyRecordedSounds

#counter = 0

#convert it as a number to assign it to the counter variable
counter = int(numAlreadyRecordedSounds)-1


#static starts and ends of the commands, the counter variable goes in between them
commandRecordBegin='arecord -f cd sounds/sound'
commandRecordEnd='.wav -d 8'

commandPlayBegin='aplay sounds/sound'

#we set it in case the sensor tries to play a sound before somebody press the button

while True:
   pirValButton = GPIO.input(BUTTON)
   if(pirValButton == True):
       counter = counter+1
       print 'back from recording'
       pirVal = GPIO.input(PIR)
       if(pirVal == True):
           GPIO.output(LED, True)
           GPIO.output(LED, False)
           print 'back from playing'

prototyping slow...learning by trying what i need...ordering stuff and waiting for it. Like the usb sound card.

Raspi prototype.JPG

Next to do :

  • build an amplifier for the mic so i can actually make a recording!
  • get a battery for the pi