
From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

Pre/Fake Assessment

Make: post-apocalypse sound devices


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Every thursday at 18:00!

We (un)repair things together

Figure out how to repair* together

* Repair/Unrepair

Combining Salvage computing w/ DIY Synth

The real long-term future of computing consists of figuring out how to make the best possible use we can out of the literal millions of devices which already exist (Solderpunk, 2020, Cited in de Valk, 2022)

DIY Synth

Where DIWO is part of the commmunity

Can I buy more Arduinos?


buying new hardware is the easier, cheaper and more reliable option then salvaging existing components from e-waste.


Field Guide

For Salvaging Electronic Components

DIWO Hangouts

Building sound devices together using salvaged components

Field Guide

For Salvaging Electronic Components


The field guide is an open-ended, pocket sized, compact publication, intended to take outside, further investigate, annotate and experiment with the discarded materials.

The guide will contain:

* Quick Start Guide * Identifying components * Recipes for sound devices

DIWO Hangouts

Building sound devices together using salvaged components

DIWO as a powerful method of sharing & exploring

DIWO workshop.jpg

During the hangouts, we will explore various methods around salvaging components and dismantling devices, making our own instruments using these materials, live coding hardware through MQTT/OSC servers & applications, and everything in between. Ultimately, they could lead up to a BYOP (Bring Your Own Printer) Orchestra. The hangouts will be held at the Klankschool and involve the Klankschool community. The hangouts are hosted in collaboration with Riviera Taylor, who’s writing a thesis about System Administration and Server Maintenance, and creating her project around Klankschool too.

Screenshot class structure

repeat come to klankschool


ExtraTonal Printer special: Printer Jam riviera

After Printer Jamming with Riviera, and building with hardware, whilst reading about permacomputing