Rebekka Baron How little we know about of you r nab our hood
Looking at family
CCTV style
Looking at a school class UK
Industry park
on top of a building
People with cameras, talking photos, tourists.. museum= British Museum, inside
Looking at photos
At july 1910 Family francis, sleeping in here bed Every morning, he sneak up to here room and photograph here
The camera is the only go between, the only medium. It does more to..
Its stops half way, Gives do value The came capture a depre turf then we see. Capture the event in time
July 1937 Edward king marry force American Ethnographic survey
The mass observation movement. Recruited people true newspapers Take photos
Plan of campaign
Humpry Jengings
Tom Harrison
Humrpy Spendings Lefties photographer
Observes sent to the street
Mass oversveration made to revel society
The camera aid not only
Hiding camera in hand Hiding the act of photography by panning around
Edward Lemmy Cartoonist Take up the camera
Taking photos of girls outside the school Giving pet names, noting success to photographer them Maounted them in album, calling the book “Zoology studies”
Detective camera
The camera fiend
Lurking with
More success after camera became smaller
Jon Tagg - Burden of Representation
Discourse People are shaped of discourse
—— 1939 Spare Time Filmed in Bolton
The documentary of the doorstep
Showing how life really was Surreality of the everyday
Photography have used first for eugenics
Camera as the point of power
England 300 times a day being filmed
Humpry hired as official photograph for wartime England Humpry use his observers as civilian spy Observer
Mass observation true into marked research post war
Notes Steve Foucault The means of correct training
Surveillance Panopticon, provides a paradigm fr
we regulate your behaviour when we think we are being watched.
Discourse is about reforming people
In the classic age, before the 17/18th century ( the body is a subject of power thorough punishment In the modern age the body is trained, transforming and improving in particular space, prisions, schools, facorrty, barracks
The aim efficient, and the compliant the body ( docile) the more efficient that body will be
The transformation of the self To concord about oneself / induvality modern concept —
efficient is gained though a codification of space and time The time code of the timetable and the space code of the arhicetureal plan
miltiart educatoin prisons ++
Biopower to describe the disubutuin of bodies in space and time. The body is no loner subject to the will of a ruler but enters a disciplinary system where surveillance, discipline ranking and set-regulaton
biopower = facebook egg freacing
bad side we are cogs in a machine
Good side - system of health care and education for instance, are introduce which increase our effuceny but also imp rice our well being Nevertheless: our individuality is contracted. The incivility is born in the disciplinary societety and is defined by it.
But its worn remembering what it was the like before (in sovereign societies)
Freedom = consctruct = discourse
Man= is a inverted coma )Focult)
The Meaning of Correct Traning The function of they dispilnry society is to train
Disciplin can be understood as a technology of power and the individual (a modern invention) a constration of power.
Three sections of
Cesere Lomboroso typology of criminals 1870
The key aspects…
Normalise judgmental
Reality tv is way to normalise judgmental
Time Prumphet
——— Steve Ruston
Master of Reality
Neo Liberal subject --- Super Panopticon Non scoping surveillance = cards ——
Control sursity = can move Database constitute indivulte to manipulate connection between indivdules